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Crazy straight teen boys sex games:
a 2-hours “dick festival” with 5 horny Latino / Black boys 🙂
This page shows you 244 pictures (more or less slightly censored)
corresponding to the 13 video clips of the set “TBG 2“
(i.e. “TeenBoysGames 2″ with TCB, Renaldo, Freddy, Damian, and Tyree).
* Click here to see more about the UNCENSORED videos and photos for all the “TBG” sets (free) *
Additionally, at the end of the section “Video Clip N°02” below,
you will see that video clip, uncensored (and free).
(Or click this shortcut for that free clip!)
Description of this set:
With this second “TBG” set, I tried to re-do and to improve the first one (TBG 1), and to add much more.
(“TBG” means “TeenBoysGames”, it was a little website that I made and where I’ve put only TBG 1, then I gave up because it was too much complicated to manage so many “little sites”. There are 4 TBG sessions (or sets).)
You will probably like this set, because it is very “real” and raw, very funny, and there are a lot of sequences with hard dicks.
It’s pure fun and pure life! 🙂
And at the end, the release their load, of course. (“Pure life” :-))
There were 2 hours and 23 minutes of “rushes” (raw video recordings) and I’ve cut only the little parts without any significant value: it’s almost unedited, I’ve left almost all “as is”, in order to make you live the life that we had in that appartment when the boys were there, in particular during that crazy night 🙂
The first TBG session (“TBG 1”) was very improvised, but not this one, because I really created a game (with playing cards and a dice), and I even made the boys participating in that creation. Indeed, when a player takes a card and really does not want to do what is requested, he has a “second chance”: an option to open an envelope. And I asked to the boys to write the papers that were put in the envelopes (most of them were written by Renaldo).
The red cards are “lucky cards”, and the black cards are “difficult cards”. But when I boy does something difficult, he earns more points. At the end, each boy was paid according to the number of points that he earned (plus a fixed amount, identical for all of them, which was already enough motivating).
You will laugh a lot during this set, and many sequences will arouse you a lot (not necessarily the cumshots at the end, because they cum in semi-transparent plastic glasses, and given that they comment and laugh continuously, personally I found that the cumshots part was less arousing than when a boy is alone with me).
But anyway, don’t worry, the whole set (i.e. 13 clips) is a sort of festival or hard dicks!
And one of the “interesting” things that I found also, is that there is nothing “gay” in all that, although there are a lot of interaction between these boys (who all are friends since childhood and who live really not far from each other (and not far from the apartment)).
* Straight teen boys sex games (TBG 2) – Video Clip 01

* Click here to see more about the UNCENSORED
videos and photos for all the “TBG” sets (free) *
They eat, they drink beer and they laugh, I ask them to find ideas of funny sexual things to do.
Anyway they know more or less the kind of “job” that it will be, and they try to prepare themselves, for example by watching porn movies in the bedroom.
I’ve included also a few short sequences about when they fill and sign their “model’s release” form (i.e. authorization for publication).
(And of course I already have their proof of majority since long, so there is no need to ask it every time.)
I bought little bottles of a beverage supposed to trigger erection, they drink it but anyway it does not seem very efficient.
(If I had to redo it, I would buy viagra instead, but at that time I thought that it was very difficult to buy without a medical order.)
Anyway, don’t worry, they will get hard 🙂
At the end of the clip, Tyree discreetly rubs his (soft) big cock behind the shoulder of Freddy, and Damian shows his dick and starts to play with it.
* Straight teen boys sex games (TBG 2) – Video Clip 02

FULL SCREEN: Double-Click | Faster: 1x —> 2x
* Click here to see more about the UNCENSORED
videos and photos for all the “TBG” sets (free) *
They watch a porn movie in the bedroom, Tyree’s dick his hard, the others try to have a big dick too (it’s a matter of pride), then Tyree, “TCB” (i.e. “TheCutestBoy”) and his brother Renaldo dance in the big room and they “do the helicopter” with their dicks (which are now big but not really erect).
In the meantime, in the bedroom, Damian wanks on the bed, and his pal Freddy watches a porn movie, in order to be aroused and hard.
Now Damian’s dick is rather big and he joins his friends (TCB, Renaldo and Tyree) in the big room, to “do the helicopter” with them.
And Freddy arrives too and shows his hard stiff dick :-). Tyree’s cock is erect as well 🙂
Now they go in the big room, they wank and they fool around, Freddy is happy because the “beverage” seems to be very efficient on his cock 🙂
Then they jump on each other on the air mattress and they simulate to fuck or fight each other, more or less 🙂
Then I order to Freddy to be the “victim” under the others on the mattress, he warns his friends about not doing anything with his ass, they all jump on him and each other, well, it’s a mess 🙂 And they are so wild that Tyree is even a bit wounded at his leg (he is bleeding), but it’s not a problem for him 🙂
These boys are real ! 🙂 They are really having fun, like “real boys” (that they are), they are not “acting”, and this is clearly obvious by watching the clips.
* Straight teen boys sex games (TBG 2) – Video Clip 03

* Click here to see more about the UNCENSORED
videos and photos for all the “TBG” sets (free) *
We put a band (scar tissue) on Tyree’s wound, and the boys start again to fool around and to simulate fucking (more or less) on the air bed. It’s a big mess, they all try (or pretend) to put their dick in the bottom of others, who try to defend themselves 🙂
They also play with balloons (bursting), and they all jump on Tyree on the bed (he protects his wound), and that “game” is finished.
Now, another game, they have to “do the helicopter” again. (They did it in the clip 01, but it was improvised, not part of an organized “game”, and there was not much light.) It’s very funny, to sse those 5 dicks agitated synchronously like that 🙂
Next game: they have to all show their ass, all together on the bed 🙂 Now they still have their boxers on, but wait, the games are just starting! 🙂
Now for the next game they have to stand in a line, and to show their ass, for real this time (without underwear)!
Damian seems reluctant to go with his friend to do that, his is on the bed, they tell him to come, but he does even better (for us), he shows his ass and ass-hole very well for the camera (not really for his friends), he is playing and laughing, but we can see all very well, even though it’s for a few seconds 🙂
Now the all five show their ass while standing up, but it’s less “open” than when one is laid on the bed. (I will have to remember it :-))
Now (new game), they are all on the bed and they “do the helicopter” with their hands 🙂
Then the boys install the little laptop in the room, to have more “motivation” (with the female porn clips), and Tyree plays with his big hard dick fully erect 🙂 (We can see it shortly but we will see very well all their cocks fully hard in the next clip!
* Straight teen boys sex games (TBG 2) – Video Clip 04

* Click here to see more about the UNCENSORED
videos and photos for all the “TBG” sets (free) *
Now they stand side to side (in line) and they watch porn clips and wank their hard cocks 🙂 Damian is on the bed and shows his big hard cock too 🙂
Now Damian has to compare the length of his dick with all the other boys: if the dick of a boy touches him, he has a bigger dick 🙂
It’s very arousing (they have to put their cocks very close) 🙂
I like particularly when Tyree takes the dick of Damian in his hand to compare it better (closer to his cock, which is the biggest of all).
Then Tyree compares his cock with those of all the other boys (by holding their cocks closer too, and there is nothing “gay” here), and anyway he already knows that he will be the winner! 🙂
This clip is short (a bit less than 6 mn) but really hot! 🙂 I noticed also that when Freddy or Damian put their cock close to other cocks, it tends to rise more 🙂 (higher than horizontal). If this clip does not turn you on, there is a problem somewhere 🙂
They also measure their cocks. Results: Tyree 20 cm, TCB 19 cm, Renaldo 18 cm (but thick), Damian and Freddy 17 cm (but sometimes – in some sets – Damian’s cock seems bigger than that – but anyway it is delicious :-))
At the end of the clip, I tell them that at this point it corresponds to the beginning of the job of the other day (TBG 1) that I wanted to redo today with them to improve it, and that is it finished and that now we will start “the game”.
And after that, that all put their dicks on the table and they comment the sizes (and it’s very arousing too :-)), but I can’t remember what was the purpose exactly ; maybe it was just an idea from their part.
* Straight teen boys sex games (TBG 2) – Video Clip 05

* Click here to see more about the UNCENSORED
videos and photos for all the “TBG” sets (free) *
We take a break, they eat a bit, but they still have their dicks out (and quite hard) :-).
Tyree shows his big cock and plays with it 🙂
The aphrodisiac drink has a great effect on Freddy’s cock, who is very happy about that.
They continue to fool around and try to hit each other with their cocks 🙂
They put on loincloths that I made for them. The aim was to spare the pride when a boy has a smaller cock, but this happened very little: they were almost always erect for more than 2 hours!
They compare their ass hairs… 🙂 (I didn’t even ask them :-))
They stick numbers from 1 to 5 on their bodies. Explanation: I couldn’t call them by their real name, because I change their names for the site (YSB). It would have been too complicated when editing the videos.
They shuffle the cards. I didn’t pay enough attention to record this, but I assure you that the order of the cards was not changed, after they were shuffled. Nobody touched it, we didn’t cheat. But it would have been better to reshuffle the cards at each game, to avoid doubts.
(I think I kept the unused cards for the TBG 3 and TBG 4 sessions).
For the first game with the cards, “TCB” (N°1) has to choose one of his friends, to make him pump his dick with the penis pump 🙂
He chooses Tyree (N°5). So they do it, and it is “interesting” 🙂
And the other boys watch that and comment (and are very amused, of course).
* Straight teen boys sex games (TBG 2) – Video Clip 06

* Click here to see more about the UNCENSORED
videos and photos for all the “TBG” sets (free) *
We play as if the boys were around a table, playing a “board game”, always turning in the same direction: boy N°1, then N°2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, etc.
Now boy number 2 (Renaldo) draws a card: red card (luck), and no “post it note” stuck on it: he gets two points and he doesn’t have to do anything.
They are constantly watching porn videos of women (which you can hear often), to stay erect because the aphrodisiac drink would be insufficient.
Boy N°3 (Freddy) draws a card which asks him to guess (blindfolded) who each cock belongs to 🙂
(At the end, they discreetly prank him by passing Tyree (N°5) a second time, but by palpating his cock, Freddy understands that it’s Tyree again 🙂
I joke about Freddy, and say that he knows his friends’ dicks particularly well 🙂
I really like this clip!
It’s interesting to note Freddy’s reactions when he touches the cocks, as this is a “strange” feeling or action for him.
You can also see that the boys are quite excited (with their cocks hard) by this.
Damian (boy N°4) draws a card, which gives him 1 point and he has nothing to do.
Tyree (boy N°5) draws a card: he has to choose a boy and wrestle with him, and the winner gets to do whatever he wants to the other 🙂 He chooses Damian, but I ask him to change because it’s too easy (because Damian is less muscular than the others).
He chooses Renaldo, but Renaldo wins easily by keeping Tyree down. Tyree loses 10 points. I say he has an excuse because he is injured, and I ask the other boys if they agree to apply an excuse (for example to lose less points), but they say “no, no excuse” 🙂 (in a friendly way, always).
Now Tyree has to accept what Renaldo decides: every boy has to give him a swat with his dick on his butt! Renaldo says that Tyree will not lose 10 points, but on the contrary he will gain 10 points, if he accepts that his friends do this (which is obviously not so easy for him, but he has no choice, it’s the game!) (and he will earn more money).
At the end of the clip, I ask Damian how come his dick is always hard like that (it’s horizontal under his loincloth), he doesn’t answer the question, but his reaction is cool (he likes to show that he has a hard dick). I find this boy maybe not perfect physically, but so “fresh” and lovely, I really like him! 🙂 (and his hard dick – btw. it was very good masturbating him until he came, in “BV 18“.)
* Straight teen boys sex games (TBG 2) – Video Clip 07

* Click here to see more about the UNCENSORED
videos and photos for all the “TBG” sets (free) *
Now the boy N°1 (“TCB”) can chose one of his friends and ask him to make his dick hard! And he chooses Damian (boy N°4).
These crazy straight teen boys sex games are very funny and arousing at the same time! 🙂 (and they are all more or less erect, almost all the time 🙂
Damian puts on a glove but he can’t touch “seriously” (or gently) TCB’s cock, who already has a nice erection just at the idea.
I insist and Damian masturbates “for real” TCB for a few seconds (which obviously seems “crazy” to him).
No. 2 has to “show and open his ass” (for the others)! :-).
I ask the other boys to force themselves to laugh and make fun of Renaldo showing his wide open ass :-).
No. 3, Freddy, is unlucky because he draws the worst card of the game, the ace of spades: all the boys can do whatever they want to him!
Freddy asks the others what they intend to do to him, I didn’t pay attention to their answer, but he prefers to use a “second chance envelope”…
So now Freddy has to choose a boy who will rub his dick on his body (Freddy’s) (Renaldo admits to being the author of the idea), and he (Freddy) chooses his friend Damian. It’s very funny, but rather unbearable for Freddy. Damian, on the other hand, is always ready to slap his friends with his cock, or try to put it close to their buttocks 🙂
Of course, it’s all for fun, but you can see that it turns them on sexually nonetheless, and that’s quite logical.
Freddy escapes because it’s really too much for him.
I notice that Tyree is jerking off wildly while watching the porn videos and I tell him to be careful not to cum (“no leche” means “no milk”).
At the end of the video I ask Freddy if he wants to continue with another boy, and he says “no thanks, no more” 🙂 (and all this is done in a good mood and laughing).
* Straight teen boys sex games (TBG 2) – Video Clip 08
* Click here to see more about the UNCENSORED
videos and photos for all the “TBG” sets (free) *
Now #4 (Damian) has to throw rings to fall around a plastic penis, then around Tyree’s cock (which is very difficult as these rings are small).
In the end, Damian still manages to get 4 rings onto Tyree’s big cock, which earns both boys 8 points.
Afterwards, several boys put their dicks and balls between their thighs (backwards) and show this with their ass 🙂
Then there is a “revenge dice roll” thing: Renaldo explains to the others that they have an option, which is hard to explain here, which is to tie two boys together (naked) with cellophane wrapping and make them walk around the flat like that.
Renaldo says “in the whole building”, but I correct him by saying that I have enough problems like that with the neighbours upstairs :-).
Renaldo explains another option, which is to simulate fucking a boy from behind, by putting the cock between his thighs 🙂
We take a break (I say “pause, maricones”, which means something like “let’s take a break, you fags”) 🙂
The boys eat and drink.
They go back to the room, and they start watching a video with women, to get an erection again. (The loincloths came in handy while they were eating, as their sex also took a well-deserved break :-)).
TCB has to fuck a condom with a boy that he chooses.
He does this with Tyree, and he breaks a condom, then we use another one.
It’s “interesting” to see these two big cocks stuck in a condom 🙂 That’s TCB who is fucking (who is “top”), and Tyree lying underneath (who has a more passive role), that’s the game! 🙂
One could almost say that Tyree is getting fucked, but since in reality it’s his big hard cock that’s “getting fucked”, “the honour is preserved” 🙂
The exercise is still difficult, and we cut it short, but it’s fun and quite exciting.
At the end of the clip, Damian contemplates his big cock (of which he is obviously very proud) which touches his belly, higher than his navel.
* Straight teen boys sex games (TBG 2) – Video Clip 09
* Click here to see more about the UNCENSORED
videos and photos for all the “TBG” sets (free) *
Renaldo (boy N°2) draws a black card and has to “helicopter” with his cock 🙂
Freddy (boy N°3) draws a black card, he doesn’t want to do what is asked, and he chooses a “second chance envelope” instead. He then has to choose a boy to give him a kiss on the buttocks, Tyree (5) asks how much it pays (2 points for him) and he does it 🙂
I ask them to do it again on the bed as I didn’t get a good look, and Tyree plays pretending to want to put his cock in Freddy’s butt, but as he bends over he starts to vomit… (this must be due to all these very unusual experiences).
They do it a third time, more quietly.
Then we do the “revenge dice roll” with Renaldo. The number on the dice indicates how many boys he has to choose from, to do the thing he did (make the helicopter).
He chooses the two friends Freddy and Damian (3 and 4). I love to see Damian doing the helicopter with his hard dick 🙂 After a while, he also gives his friend Freddy some cock strokes, and it starts to look like a “sword fight” 🙂
Then Damian throws himself on his friend Freddy on the mattress, and they more or less wrestle 🙂
During the whole session, some of the boys often repeat “el mediante” (“the means”, or “the thing” (?)), which sometimes seems to mean the video player, sometimes the aphrodisiac, sometimes something else. It’s a kind of “private joke” between them.
Damian (4) draws a black card, he has to “do the lesbians, with both pussies stuck” with another boy, and he chooses Renaldo. Instead of doing what is asked, he starts to pretend to fuck him (and puts his cock very close to Renaldo’s ass, who rebels).
Then Freddy replaces Renaldo.
I have to explain to them that lesbians don’t have dicks 🙂
For the rest, I let you watch the clip because it would be too long to describe, but it’s very exciting and even “wild” ! 🙂
At the end of the clip, Freddy finally pushes (with his ass) his friend Damian out of the mattress, and his head (Damian’s) comes not far from Tyree’s cock, who then pretends to offer it to him (to suck) 🙂
* Straight teen boys sex games (TBG 2) – Video Clip 10
* Click here to see more about the UNCENSORED
videos and photos for all the “TBG” sets (free) *
Crazy straight teen boys sex games: The boys jerk off, their cocks are big and hard and stiff, Renaldo’s cock looks huge, and Freddy says his cock hurts and he needs to do “milk” soon (for relief). This must be due to the aphrodisiac drink.
Then the dice point to Freddy (3) who has to put chocolate hazelnut paste (Nutella type) on Renaldo, and they also point to number 5 (Tyree) who has to lick the Nutella off Renaldo’s pubes… 🙂
It is really hard for Tyree, but also for Renaldo, who often repeats “la creta” (an expression they use for very strong or extravagant things, which refers to the lips of the vulva).
Sometimes I say “no tapar”, which means “don’t hide” (with hands).
Tyree can’t finish, and nobody wants to finish to lick (even for points), it’s really too difficult for them.
“TCB” (N°1) draws a rather positive red card: he has to fuck the transparent inflatable doll alone, and the others have to watch him do it 🙂
I tell him that he only wins one point, but he doesn’t mind.
He fucks the inflatable doll, and with my headlamp the camera shows his asshole very well when he fucks 🙂 And his big cock going in and out, but he doesn’t get fully hard.
Then Tyree fucks the doll too 🙂
I insist on asking them not to do “leche” (milk, cum), as they are very hot and horny and they talk about it more and more.
Now TCB is very hard, and he also fucks the doll with Tyree. It’s good to see those two big hard cocks waving and bumping into each other in the transparent doll 🙂
Then Freddy (3) and Renaldo (2) fuck the doll together, and that’s good too 🙂 Meanwhile, Tyree fucks the doll in the mouth violently, while talking to it 🙂
Renaldo also tries to do this, but his cock is too wide and doesn’t fit in his mouth, and it makes him laugh! 🙂
Then various boys fuck the doll together (it would take too long to describe). Sometimes a boy takes advantage of the fact that a friend is busy fucking, to hit him on the buttocks with his cock! 🙂
* Straight teen boys sex games (TBG 2) – Video Clip 11
* Click here to see more about the UNCENSORED videos and photos for all the “TBG” sets (free) *
Renaldo (2) draws a black card, he is supposed to put on the “bull” underwear which has a string to be pulled (from the nose of the “bull”) with a mechanical vibrator, and all the boys would have to pull this string until they cause an erection of the penis (with the vibrations), but in fact this is not possible because Renaldo’s cock is much too large to fit in this system, and moreover he already has a hard-on 🙂
Renaldo sees on the scoreboard that he has only 12 points.
Then, I don’t know how it was decided (but it gives Renaldo a lot of points), he has to receive someone’s penis between his buttocks, and his big brother (“TCB”) does it 🙂
(Of course, one might ask if they’ve ever done this to play, since they’ve been living together for 18 years and usually sleep in the same bed (in a room not much bigger than this bed), but I didn’t ask this question, and if the answer was “yes”, and they wouldn’t have answered the truth :-)).
TCB says he will do it during ” one second ” and I correct him by saying ” no, one minute ” 🙂
I ask him to put his cock “higher” (i.e. more towards the asshole) but he doesn’t want to, and he doesn’t get a strong hard-on, in short, they play.
The other boys are watching and laughing their heads off (surely they never imagined that one day they would do something like this).
Damian complains that he has done everything he was asked to do but hasn’t gained many points.
Tyree looks at his cock and says that it hurts, because of “el mediante” (the aphrodisiac drink).
So this session cannot go on too much longer.
I ask them to do a last “round” (so 5 boys) telling them that they “are not fags” (“no maricones”)
(understand here: “not weak”) and that they can do it 🙂
Freddy (3) puts on a pair of “crazy” pants that show everything that should be hidden 🙂
Now it’s Damian (4) who has to put on this special underwear.
Tyree (5) has to fuck the transparent gel artificial vagina, with another boy he has to choose, and he chooses Damian (who says it’s because his cock is thinner so it will fit better).
In fact this sex toy has two separate ducts (which do not communicate), vagina and anus.
Tyree fucks the vagina, and Damian the anus. Their cocks are hard. Damian often reminds (in the session) that his cock is hard.
Now Tyree enters the anus and Damian the vagina, and they both fuck, it’s very erotic but short because it’s quite difficult to do.
* Straight teen boys sex games (TBG 2) – Video Clip 12
* Click here to see more about the UNCENSORED videos and photos for all the “TBG” sets (free) *
Damian (4) is lying on the mattress masturbating in the transparent pussy, he explains to me that it’s to keep his cock hard, I ask him not to do any “leche” (cum), telling him that he’s serious and that he’s “not a child”, which makes Freddy laugh a lot.
I tell them again that we’re doing a last round and that they can do it because “they’re not fags” (i.e. not weak).
TCB (1) draws a card that says he has to roll the die which will designate someone to tickle him 🙂
It is his little brother (Renaldo, 2), who is chosen by the die. So they do it and of course it’s funny 🙂
N°2 (Renaldo) has to put on a little woolen penis sheath in 3 colours, which normally is easy, but as his dick is too big, it wouldn’t work (we didn’t even try).
Instead, he has to be “wrapped” with cellophane tape with Freddy behind him, and they have to walk like that, as ” sausaged “, in the flat. They do it and it’s funny, Freddy, stuck behind Renaldo, has his cock hard on the side, not between Renaldo’s buttocks, who wouldn’t accept it.
Then they throw themselves on the bed stuck together and continue to fool around 🙂
Freddy (3) draws a red card which gives him the right to do whatever he wants to a person he chooses!
Tyree proposes himself (apparently he wants to earn as much money as possible), and Freddy slaps his cock on Tyree’s.
Damian (4) is now allowed to slap the butts of the other four boys, who are lined up on their knees 🙂
(He wants to do it with his dick, saying it’s better, but the game says “with the hand” and that’s what the others expect).
* Straight teen boys sex games (TBG 2) – Video Clip 13 (final)
* Click here to see more about the UNCENSORED videos and photos for all the “TBG” sets (free) *
Tyree (5) draws a card that asks him to give a boy he chooses an erection, but it’s too difficult so he prefers to use a second chance envelope.
This one asks him to do 20 push-ups while another boy above him touches him with his cock (when Tyree pulls his body up) 🙂
It’s Renaldo who does it, and it’s all very funny (big dicks in motion…). And of course it’s very difficult for Tyree to feel a heavy cock caressing his back while he’s in a bottom position ! 🙂
Tyree removes his bandage from his leg, the wound is bare and it’s a bit gruesome, so I say we stop here.
Then, finally, the last thing begins, i.e. a “wanking contest”, where the one who will produce the most sperm will win.
So there are 5 ejaculations in this clip, with each time a yellow strip system at the top of the video (or progress bar, which I call “cum-bar”) so you can know when it’s going to happen.
Damian (4) ejaculates first.
Then Renaldo (2) comes.
The ejaculations are sometimes a bit difficult to see because the cups are translucent but not quite transparent (there should be really transparent cups but I didn’t plan everything and I took what I had at home). But as I put slow motion (0,2 x) after each ejaculation, you can nevertheless see quite well.
Because the boys are talking a lot and laughing a lot with each other (gently mocking their friends who are jerking off, which is normally “shameful”), it’s hard to concentrate on being excited enough to cum, so I ask them several times to talk less,but they pay very little attention to my requests, so after a while I get a bit angry and tell them that I have all the time in the world and if they want to talk we’ll spend the whole night, and that it’s their problem, but I didn’t include these moments in the clip (because it wasn’t exciting or funny).
Then “TCB” (#1) ejaculates, and he puts about half of it out of the cup, commenting “you know mine has a lot of pressure” 🙂
Then it’s Freddy’s turn (3), he turns his back to his friends to make it easier (usually they are ashamed of wanking, it’s considered something for boys who can’t get women).
Finally Tyree is remaining, but it’s very difficult because his 4 friends are now looking at him and are hilarious, and even being behind him makes him too uncomfortable.
So I ask them to leave, and Tyree finally ejaculates in his cup (but not much). Phew! -)
Then the boys come back and compare their cum cups and they comment.
Each one tries to “defend his case” by showing me his cup, but it’s very difficult to know who made the most, so I say that everyone made about the same amount. (Actually, it’s probably TCB (1) who made the most sperm (as he often does), but since he put a lot of it besides the cup, it doesn’t count, too bad for him, he just had to be careful 🙂
Then Damian and Freddy take a shower together, still laughing,
I count the score:
– N°1 (“TCB” or “TheCutestBoy”) : 19 points (5th position)
– N°2 (Renaldo) : 37 points (2nd position)
– N°3 (Freddy) : 30 points (4th position)
– N°4 (Damian) : 35 points (3rd position)
– N°5 (Tyree) : 44 points (1st position (winner))
Renaldo takes a shower and washes his big cock 🙂
The boys get dressed and get ready to leave, I show the results of the game, I declare Tyree the winner, and he takes a quick “winner’s photo”, just for fun.
And that’s it! I hope you enjoyed it 🙂
There will be two more “TBG” (TeenBoysGames) published later (TBG3 and TBG4).
* Click these links (below) to see more about
TCB, Renaldo, Freddy, Damian, and Tyree (free) *
video clips and photos of these boys
reserved for YSB Members include
nude sex, masturbation
and ejaculation (for all of them) 🙂
And it is the same for almost all the other boys in the Members area,
otherwise (in some rare cases), it is clearly specified in the names of the sets,
which you can check in the list of all the sets online before subscribing.
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(You will access immediately – except if you pay with Bitcoin –
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(Please never share your access nor post the Members’ videos or photos anywhere:
it’s important for the respect of the boys, and for our survival. Thanks!)
5/ Questions or doubts ?
–> Please see the SUPPORT page (where you can send us an email).
(You can also use the Guestbook to send a public message,
or to read comments left by other users.)
Thanks a lot for your subscription
allowing us to pay for more new boys 🙂
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