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2 straight brothers masturbate mutually: “TCB” en sy jong broer (Renaldo) speel met hul pikke, hulle “fok” 'n plastiekhuls saam, and finally they cum on each other
Rollees af om die beskrywing te lees van hierdie stel (between groups of images)
Here are a few pictures from the set “TCB 11“
(m.a.w. “Die oulikste seun” and his little brother, Renaldo).
*Click here to see about videos and photos for all the “TCB 11” dele (vry)*
*Click here to see about videos and photos for all the sets of “TCB”
and of Renaldo (vry)*
As you have already seen in “TCB 9”, Renaldo is the little brother of my friend “TCB” (betekenis “The Cutest Boy” – even if tastes may be different).
In hierdie sessie, at first they wake up and we eat a breakfast and we laugh a lot.
“TCB” explains to his brother Renaldo that we went in a pharmacy to buy something, and at first the lady asked “in powder, or in cream ?” and I replied “in powder”, she immediately said “we are out of stock”, then I said “so, in cream then”, and she also immediately replied (without checking anything) “we are out of stock too”….. Then I asked “so why are you asking “in powder, or in cream”, rather angrily, then she asked to my friend if he wanted something and he said “ja, do you have a restroom (WC) ?”, she said no, then I asked if she was selling pills or medicine to cut the need of peeing for my friend (given that there were no WC), and she said no but that he could simply drink less………… Wel, a complete “historia de locos” (a crazy story)
Na dit, they take a shower and they even “fight with their dicks”, it’s very funny
Toe, Renaldo makes photo shoots of his brother. I was trying to train him in order to do those photo-video sessions when I would be out of the country, but it never worked. It’s not so easy !
Continue to scroll down to read the description van hierdie stel (between groups of images)
Then they do another “gek” idea of mine : “fokken” a sort of plastic pouch (met 2 gate) so that they would masturbate their two (big) dicks simultaneously and “pressed together” It is of course quite difficult to do that between two brothers (who are hetero) but thanks to the female video clips, we managed to get their cocks hard enough and for enough time
Continue to scroll down to read the description van hierdie stel (between groups of images)
En uiteindelik, Renaldo shoots his nice load on his brother (knip 07), en “TCB” does the same (lots of cum) on his little brother, a bit later (in clip 08).
This is a “gek” session
*Click here to see about the videos and photos
for all the “TCB 11” dele (vry)*
*Click here to see about the videos and photos
for all sets of “TCB” and of Renaldo (vry)*
Die ongesensureerde videogrepe en foto's van hierdie seuns
gereserveer vir YSB-lede insluit
naak seks, masturbasie
en ejakulasie (for both of them)
En dit is dieselfde vir byna al die ander seuns in die Lede area,
andersins (in sommige seldsame gevalle), dit word duidelik in die name van die stelle gespesifiseer,
wat jy kan check in die lys van al die stelle aanlyn voordat u inteken.
Nog nie 'n lid nie ?
1/ Sien die lys van die videogrepe en foto's for these 2 seuns!
(Jy kan op die duimnaels van daardie volgende bladsy klik.)
2/ Sien watter videogrepe en foto's is tans aanlyn
vir al die seuns!
3/ Sluit aan (m.a.w. inteken) om 'n lid te wees!
(Jy sal dadelik toegang kry – behalwe as jy met Bitcoin betaal –
al die videogrepe en foto's wat tans aanlyn is, in groot grootte, en met ongesensureerde seks.)
4/ Toegang tot jou lidgebied (elke dag met een snit opgedateer)
om die inhoud te geniet wanneer jy wil!
(Moet asseblief nooit jou toegang deel en ook nie die video's of foto's op enige plek plaas nie, Dis belangrik.)
5/ Vrae of twyfel ?
–> Sien asseblief die ONDERSTEUN bladsy (waar jy vir ons 'n e-pos kan stuur).
(Jy kan ook die Gasteboek om 'n publieke boodskap te stuur,
of om opmerkings wat deur ander gebruikers gelaat is, te lees.)
Baie dankie vir jou intekening
allowing us to pay more new boys
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