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Enzo, an arrogant young Latino skateboarder met 'n hard dick, trying many sexy boxers, touched deur my, en ejakuleer
Spring na die beskrywing (= besonderhede oor hierdie seun en hierdie stel, Hoe om meer van hom te sien)
Hier is 'n paar foto's van hierdie stel (soms gedeeltelik / effens gesensor).
(Sien die lys van al die dele of snitte vir hierdie seun.)
Sien sy ander foto's en sy videogrepe ongesensor!
(gratis toegang tot duimnaels in Lede-area)
Sien sy ander foto's en sy videogrepe ongesensor!
(gratis toegang tot duimnaels in Lede-area)
Sien sy ander foto's en sy videogrepe ongesensor!
(gratis toegang tot duimnaels in Lede-area)
Sien sy ander foto's en sy videogrepe ongesensor!
(gratis toegang tot duimnaels in Lede-area)

Sien sy ander foto's
en sy videogrepe ongesensor!
(gratis toegang tot duimnaels in Lede-area)
I was in a department store and I noticed this young man because he had thin black tracksuit trousers (not visible in the set) and he looked like an Arab boy, he had the face and style of dress of some Arab boys who live in Europe.
I don’t know what he was doing in that shop (he looked a bit “dodgy”), besides he didn’t buy anything. I think he noticed that I was interested in him, and he went to a quiet corner of the shop. I told him about the “bietjie werk”.
Then I invited him to eat in a cheap restaurant.
I was on my guard because he seemed much too nice for his “styl”, I thought he might be hiding something (like the right moment to attack me, which has happened to me several times with boys of the same “styl”).
I confirmed this by looking at his Facebook account, where he presented himself as a “stout seun” (with pictures of illegal things, and really violent and obscene words).
But I decided to continue anyway, being careful.
At first we took pictures and videos on the beach, and I liked the fact that you could see his cock sometimes under the towel when he was changing.
Gradually I realized that he was not dangerous (at least not to me), and that he was just an “uncomplicated” seuntjie.
'n Maand later (the time it took for him to make his ID properly), we did a session again (in the street, on the beach, and in a small room I rented for that).
I was surprised to see him arrive with a skateboard (which is always nice for this kind of “productions”), and I was even more surprised to see that he knew how to use it (it only shows in the pictures, I didn’t do videos in the street because it would have been too complicated to blur people, car plates, signs etc – indeed I always remove the indications to identify the boys, to protect them as best I can, even if it’s not perfect).
Then we did the photos and videos of boxers and sex in the bedroom.
Everything went smoothly. He was obviously excited about me touching him.
It’s clear that he’s a ladies’ man (you can see it on his tattoos, for example).
He has a medium sized cock, rather curved downwards.
I liked his air of arrogance, even if it was just a facade.
Egter, I don’t think he’s the cutest of “my” seuns, maybe it depends on tastes and he may appeal to some members (ek hoop), and less to others.
So, in order not to take too much time to publish his 5 dele, exceptionally I have grouped the following parts: 2 en 3, en 4 en 5, that is to say that parts 2 en 3 will be published the same day, and it will be the same for parts 4 en 5 (one week later, therefore).
I hope that this will be satisfactory for you.
Sien sy ander foto's
en sy videogrepe ongesensor!
(gratis toegang tot duimnaels in Lede-area)
Die ongesensureerde videogrepe en foto's van hierdie seun
gereserveer vir YSB-lede insluit
naak seks, masturbasie en ejakulasie
En dit is dieselfde vir byna al die ander seuns in die Lede area,
andersins (in sommige seldsame gevalle), dit word duidelik in die name van die stelle gespesifiseer,
wat jy kan check in die lys van al die stelle aanlyn voordat u inteken.
Nog nie 'n lid nie ?
1/ Sien die lys van die videogrepe en foto's vir hierdie seun!
(Jy kan op die duimnaels van daardie volgende bladsy klik.)
2/ Sien watter videogrepe en foto's is tans aanlyn
vir al die seuns!
3/ Sluit aan (m.a.w. inteken) om 'n lid te wees!
(Jy sal dadelik toegang kry – behalwe as jy met Bitcoin betaal –
al die videogrepe en foto's wat tans aanlyn is, in groot grootte, en met ongesensureerde seks.)
4/ Toegang tot jou lidgebied (elke dag met een snit opgedateer)
om die inhoud te geniet wanneer jy wil!
(Moet asseblief nooit jou toegang deel en ook nie die video's of foto's op enige plek plaas nie, Dis belangrik.)
5/ Vrae of twyfel ?
–> Sien asseblief die ONDERSTEUN bladsy (waar jy vir ons 'n e-pos kan stuur).
(Jy kan ook die Gasteboek om 'n boodskap te stuur, of om opmerkings wat deur ander gebruikers gelaat is, te lees.)
Baie dankie vir jou intekening
laat ons toe om vir meer nuwe seuns te betaal
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