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Cute young hetero Arabian boy nude, wankel en klaarkom
Djamel is a very shy cute boy, 19 jaar oud, that I found in the Middle East.
Dit het 'n paar dae geneem om dit reg te kry “doen dit”, want dit was baie moeilik.
Natuurlik, he is heterosexual and of course he had never done such things before.
(You may read the full story hier but it is really long.)
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(Beware, it is a very very, very LONG story ! But all true!)
* In this set you find sex (with fondling hard dick, wanking cumming, ens), like usual, there is no problem about this ;
* But it is important to understand the CIRCUMSTANCES of this job, to appreciate it properly.
If you don’t read the explanations below, you will see only sexual images, a cute boy, and nothing else.
Dit is, sure, not so bad, but it is very far from how all this really occurred !
* Met ander woorde, these pics and vids are just an ILLUSTRATION of the story with him, so if you don’t know the story, they are almost worthless. You can understand why, only after reading all. At this moment you will think “ja, now I see these pics and vids, this story, in a completely different way”.
— Thus I hope that you will find enough time, some day, to read all that. It’s very long to read, it took me one full day (15h) to write, and the photo job itself took several days of hard efforts.
Maar, given that this boy looks so kind and sweet on the pics, and all seems so easy, almost like in a “perfect world”, I understand that you hardly believe that it was so difficult.
So let me try to tell you the “story” about this boy…
This is in a very bad English, but at least it gives you an idea.
__________** ABOUT THE CONTEXT (the countries, the culture) : __________**
First, please keep in mind that the camera does not record everything !
It took me several days to make this job.
So when we (the boy and me) discuss about problems (his denials, his doubts etc), of course I don’t record.
Not that he would become violent, maar, simply, the fact that I record out talks would add more doubts and difficulties and so on.
Another example, when people come and ask questions (of course when all seems normal with clothes and no camera around !), you guess that I don’t record it !
There are things that are very difficult to understand, for an “Westerner’s” mind (m.a.w. vir 95% of the readers, waarskynlik).
In the Arab countries, there are people everywhere, you are never alone, except in your hotel room, or in the toilets. You can’t just expect that you will sit on a bench or somewhere, and that you will stay quiet, with no one caring about you, like in Europe or USA.
En, if, additionally, you are white, let me tell that you will never stay more than 5 minutes alone, anywhere, before someone comes to chat with you, for any reason (curiosity, asking for something, or even offering free help or advice, etc etc).
Believe me, after several years, I can tell you that the only places where no one will worry you, watch you, spy on you etc are : hotel, and WC. (and car, as we will see further).
– Hotel : don’t even think about this !
No to mention that, just when heading for the hotel, you have to be very careful, because a white man walking together with a young Arab guy, it’s a bit like if you are dressed in pink and ride a green elephant, everyone notices you. And they see you entering in the hotel !!! And they are not idiots.
Now imagine that you manage, discreetly, to go to the hotel with a guy. With a bit of organization, it’s possible.
And now you believe that you will take a room for 2 ??? OMG…
I’ve read in travelers guides, that even married couples (man and woman !) have to show their “marriage leaflet” (a small book proving they are married, legally).
When I read that, I smiled, but I really saw it several times, with couples at hotel receptions, in front of me ! And it looked perfectly natural. Like here when you show your ID card when you pay, in some occasions.
Now let’s figure that a white man, kom, with a GUY, who is a LOCAL (Arabiese, muslim), AND looking much younger !!!
Even with bakschich (good tips), in most countries (like for this set) it is totally impossible !
At best, kan wees, if you are very lucky, they MIGHT accept, but don’t be fooled, your rooms will be on one floor or aisle) and the boy’s room will be on another one, and of course you can’t go from one room to another ! They even tell you that it is forbidden ! And there is always someone monitoring, even during the night !
Nou, waarskynlik, you understand better the context…
So these pics and vids were made in such a country (watter, actually, is far from being in the toughest ones). Hotel, impossible.
In this site, you see quite many sets made in hotels, even with obviously Arabian or Middle-Easterner boys, because sometimes, depending on the countries and other factors, I managed to find arrangements, but this was very unusual, and difficult to get. But in this country (for Djamel and some other boys, it was really impossible, although I even tried for Djamel (see further) since we were so much fucked, after searching a quiet place for days.
– WC : impossible to enter without someone seeing it, and in such case, what a scandal ! 2 guys in a WC ! Big, big trouble ! And anyway this kind of things, natuurlik, does not give nice images ! And you have no space for working, not even to put or hang a bag somewhere. And you can’t use the flash (no ceiling in the booth) and there is not much light there, it’s not like in Europe.
– Any other place (buildings corridors or stairs, parks, ens), there is ALWAYS someone coming (unless you do a shit 5 mn work), vir seker, or at least we know that the risk is very high, so it’s not possible to work correctly in these conditions.
– The last solution : the car.
But it’s not so easy !!
It”s a bit like when you are without car : if you park somewhere, there will always be someone coming ! Even in paid, closed parks (buildings), they will notice that you did not come outside the car, such things.
The only benefit with the car, is that eventually you can leave quite quickly if necessary. And there is also a little other advantage : in the worst case, you can record something while driving. That sounds a bit crazy or exaggerated, I know, but believe me, when you have been searching for a “quiet place” without finding one, during HOURS, at some moment it comes quite naturally to end up recording while driving.
En, as for any place where you might stop or park, there everyone knows everyone, any unusual car coming anywhere, believe me, someone will come and (kindly) worry you. You must understand that people live in the street, few have cars, there are really plenty of people in the street, and even off the town, when you find a small lane to park and hide, you always discover that there is a small house, or a shack, nie ver nie. Or even something looking impossible to live inside, but there is someone inside !
And if there is no one, na 5 aan 10 mn, someone will come !
And the more you are in a “quiet place”, the more questions and doubts !
So all this is not so easy, but I had no other solutions for this set.
And anyway it’s not good for working, as the boy is stressed. Not to mention that, at first, he is not supposed to make nude pics ! I can’t talk about that immediately ! OMG I would have been in terrible troubles sometimes (even in Europe I’ve stopped telling the thing immediately, I have to say “prente” – I had big problems too many times – It’s not totally fair (the fact of not saying all about nudity at first, but I want to stay alive – And in all the cases where I could tell the truth (nude pics), as quickly as I could, they understood and agreed about the fact that I was not totally frank at first. In a perfect world, ja, I could be totally frank, and say exactly what I propose. But our world is now much too far from that. Only doubts and accusations all the time. And why ? Because of all the liars (and criminals), natuurlik. But that’s another topic…)
BELOW : UNDER CONSTRUCTION (horribly long to write !)
__________** NOW ABOUT THIS BOY : __________**
Now let’s talk more specifically about our case (this set).
I came across this boy, and noticed he was cute, which was not so frequent.
I was searching since several days, seeing only one acceptable guy by day on average, but in situations where it was not possible to approach them.
This boy, which I named “Djamel”, was with a friend, and it was not very easy to begin to talk with them. They were near a bank (a bench), close to the beach, in the evening. There were many people around. I was dressed a bit like the young local guys, and with cap (soos hy).
I don’t remember how I managed to do it, but after maybe 10 minute, bietjie vir bietjie, I was finally able to talk with them.
Then I had to launch what I call “operation : dissociation”, which almost always comes sooner or later in these countries.
What’s that ?
The young men there, are always with a “best friend” (another guy). Or sometimes several friends. They can’t even talk to girls before marriage, so you guess that they need a lot of friendship to compensate (and this is not bad). A but like when you were 10-14 jaar oud, onthou, you “best friend”. Except that here, it lasts much longer.
Of course they are not gay at all ! They know that this exists, but most of the time they’ve never seen any gay in their life ! (no comment
This is why they look so “suiwer” and also why there is nothing really “gay” in what we do, since it does not even exist… It’s just pleasure, natuurlike dinge, without shame or guilt, and like it should be – like it is still in some Amazonian tribes – or like when you are young, and you ‘play’ met 'n ander seun (I can’t write ages here, but everyone has at least one example, at school, pool, ens). Nothing wrong, nothing bad at all, just fun. Where is the problem ?
So, back to the “best friend” topic.
Generally it’s very hard to separate the boy from his best friend, because they simply don’t understand why. And also you know how it is, die “other one” is almost always ugly, and the most ugly, the most sticky, seems a worldwide rule…
But for this case, I was quite lucky, as the “best friend” (who was not so ugly btw.) accepted rather quickly to leave Djamel alone with me (after maybe only 10 minutes of discussions for that…).
Toe, when we were alone at last, I explained him that I found him cute (I felt that this was not too dangerous with him, to tell this), and that I would like to make photos of him.
At first he looked surprised, maar uiteindelik, hoekom nie. He knew that with a foreigner like me, only good things could happen, and that I was obviously not dangerous.
In this period I ha a long-term rental car, hopefully, because else it would have been impossible (like for the other sets when you see sex pics in a car only).
So we took the car, and he led me to a pleasant small harbor, not so far, in order to make the pics. I forgot to write in the cards, that actually this boy was very romantic ! (not romantic in a relation with me, maar “romantic alone”, droom… as you can see very well on the images).
And also I forgot to say that, OF COURSE, I offered to pay him, even for “normaal” pics. He would probably have accepted, without money, for normal, clothed pics, but with money the things go much better, and I wanted to show him that I could be someone interesting for him.
Now I have an idea, I will write the things like if YOU were living all this. I want to do my best so you really understand how this kind of things are actually happening.
– September 22, 23:30 – After succeeding easily in the “operation : dissociation”, you also manage to come with the boy in a rather quiet place, you make a few pics : results : photos 001.JPG and 002.JPG (only the best pics are kept, natuurlik). But the place is not quiet, you want to find another one. Or was it him who did not like the place ? You don’t remember.
– September 23, 00:47 – After driving for more than 1 hour, searching for a “quiet place”, and trying several ones that finally appeared to be close to a home or another problem, you finally decide to go to this small harbor where the boy wanted to go. So you are there, he is happy, he likes the place, you make a few pics, some people are watching you, but since the place is quite nice, no one seems to find it strange that you come here with a boy to make a few pics of him. Even if you are white, he can be your cousin, after all. Now we are at pics 003 aan 005 enigste !
It’s already late, his family might be worrying, you give him some money and you drive him back to his town. Now you know that he does not seem dangerous (you don’t know yet that the same kind of apparently “lekker” guy will almost kill you, a few days later, but that’s another story). He does not seem to “hide” iets, some vice, to screw you, he is kind, mild. The only problem is that obviously he knows what he wants, and what he does not want, there is no way to have him change his mind when he doesn’t fancy a place, a music, ens.
So you think that maybe it’s too early to talk about the job (and I congratulate you, you are right ! :-).
You and him you know that of course these few pics are not enough, and you exchange your phone numbers, promising to meet ASAP, to make new pics. And you tell him that next time he must absolutely have his ID card (you are sure he is 18+ but anyway you need to make good close-up pics of his card).
Before saying goodbye, you tell him that maybe it would be nice if you could make some pics of him in sport suits, or even a swimsuit. He does not seem too much shocked, and answers something like “kan wees”.
You did not talk a lot (he does not speak English, and you know only a few words in Arabic, reg ?), so it’s not so easy to know what he really thinks, whether he has doubts, questions, ens.
You think that it will be very difficult to convince him later, without the help of the speech, but anyway you must go on trying, and you did not find any boy to picture since weeks !
And with this boy, you are glad that, although definitely enigmatic, he seems rather “oopmaak”. Not like this cute boy who, you remember it well, was so horrified some weeks go, when you proposed him to make pics of him “in kort, and maybe in swimsuit” ! (and not even in boxers ! en die “swimsuit” would have been like everywhere on the beaches, a beach short (with several layers), not a swimming pool suit (like speedo etc)).
What a pity, this boy was so beautiful… But also, what did you believe ? Didn’t you notice that, except on beaches, you have never seen, never, any man or even young man, with bare legs ! (this is probably forbidden). And this previous attempt was very far from the sea.
– September 23, 13:40 aan 14:40 (pics 071 aan 090) – After you have made all the age proof pics with his ID card etc (newspaper for the date proof), you drive to a quite remote location (with his help), searching for “a quiet place”. You find a rather nice place, with flowers, close to a beach, and you make some pics with clothes. That’s always better than in the night or in the car.
Then you try to have him in underwear on the beach but it’s not possible, as there are sometimes people passing by, and a man making pics of a boy in underwear, or even in short, on a rather desert beach, that would raise questions, and maybe troubles. And anyway he does not want.
Thus, back to car, for a new search.
Ten minste, now that you asked for underwear (or short) pics, under the pretext of the “beach”, probably he begins to understand the kind of pics you really want, especially as he sees your insistence to find a place REALLY quiet.
– September 23, 15:05 aan 15:35 (same day) (pics 091 aan 170) (pics with the black short) – After only 20 mn searching, you find a beach that is really empty.
Luck ? Not really. You have just begun to imagine how you could try to convince him to make pics in boxers on the beach, and why not a little bit more, for instance if he is facing the see so no one can see him, maar 1 mn after you’ve left the car, heading for the beach, a car arrives !
You don?t understand exactly who they are (2 men, speaking almost only Arabic, but finally not looking dangerous). They ask what you are doing here. You just say that you intended to go on the beach to make nice pics.
Probably this sounds a bit insane for them, but since you are a foreigner, they must think, why not after all, it’s not forbidden.
But they insist on telling us that the place is dangerous, that there are many attacks here, which is the reason why they followed us when seeing the car heading for this place.
You thank them for their advice (that you take really seriously !) and you say that anyway you will do very quickly.
They go, and you quickly go to the beach, looking cautiously towards the small bushes, if no blood-thirsty criminal is waiting for you, you try to joke a bit about this with Djamel, maar, actually, you and him you know that it’s not a joke.
Once on the sand, the bushes are far, you think that you can run, as if someone is coming, you see him from far, so you are less stressed, and you begin, at last, to make nice photos.
You have asked to Djamel to remove his blue jeans, but there is no way, he really does not want !
Needless to say that these guys? visit, and the possible threat of thieves or even murderers, is not the best situation to have a boy with a M*sl*m culture, get in boxers in a wide open beach ! In the afternoon, and with some houses not so far.
Uiteindelik, you have an idea. You run back to the car (you can check that no thief has come, and that the other car has really left), you take your own black short, and then back with Djamel, you ask him if he can put this. And you always think “little step by little step, kan wees…….”.
En, hopefully, he accepts ! Natuurlik, regarding erotic pics, this is zero. But this makes at least a first step.
But you don’t have so much time. You know that the possible danger is real, and that also maybe the two guys are monitoring you from far. En, given that they sincerely try to help you, you don’t want them to think that you neglect their advice or that you piss them off, which would raise more questions and maybe troubles.
So you use the occasion (the rather nice place), to make as many nice pics as possible.
Djamel looks always the same, half-happy, half-bored… Who knows what is in his mind ?
( pics 163 aan 170 ) Back to the car, since you can leave very quickly in case of problem, you decide to make a few pics with Djamel at the driver’s seat. Of course he enjoys that, he is young ! You admire his young ingenuousness, his simple pleasure, without vice, without all those complications that we see in our so called “civilized” of “modern” countries.
All these things are not easy to understand just by seeing the pics. Impossible, waarskynlik.
Natuurlik, the viewers come to see these images, not primarily to think about such subjects, but for more physical urges.
And this is perfectly normal and respectable. We all need sources for our fantasies.
People must live their fantasies, at least with images. Else, some could turn mad, and possibly rape and kill people, like we see unfortunately here.
And not there ! (no serial or sexual insane killers) Poor, kan wees, but not sick.
– September 23, 16:05 (same day) (pics 171 aan 176) – Since you have finally understood that nothing was possible outside of the car (no nude or even boxers), AND that even in the car it’s a big problem, want, in the daytime, many people are around, and can see through, what you are doing, and in the nighttime, since you will have to use the flash for pics, and the car light and a torch for the vids, you have imagined to obfuscate the windows with some black fabric. You show your system to Djamel, and you make of few pics of him (baie mooi), hoping that with this new option in mind, he will finally find some place.
Then you drive him back to the city, he has things to do.
– September 23, 22:30 (same day) (pics 177 aan 178) – It’s the night, Djamel is back with you, not for a long time, as it’s already quite late, but you think that this time everything is ready for “the big game”. But you are very tired, en, as you are driving, you can’t stop keeping criticizing the fact that “there are “people everywhere”.
You are turning crazy with all this.
You continue searching a place with him, but after several places, with always “people, people, always people”, you are very upset about “people”, and you almost shout about this…
And suddenly, Djamel, very calmly, exactly the same as you see on the pics, just says “we go (terug) to the city”.
This immediately helps to calm you down… You ask, what’s going on, but he replies, quietly, “I just want to go back home, right now”.
You know that there is nothing to do….
You turn back, and on the way back, after a long while, you try very gently to ask what is happening, you try to apologize etc.
He finally says that I said bad words about “people”, that these people are his country, that he is the same.
Ja ! You forgot that in these countries, the people are really feeling like a big family. All brothers. It’s real !
You know that actually he is right, that YOU were an ass-hole shouting about people, who just live normally in their country, and not doing “strange things”.
So the best is to accept that, to apologize, and to try to repair.
You sincerely explain him how much you understand, and you regret.
You don’t insist for the pics for tonight, you know that it’s pointless, he won’t change.
And also you want to show him that he can count on you. That you will not go against his will. This is extremely important. Not just to show it, but to do it !
Because for tonight all is fucked, at least you want to spend some time with him, in the city you wander around the shops, the markets (which are open very late), and you offer him a quite expensive pair of sneakers. At first he refuses, and wants only cheaper ones, he says that they are too much expensive, but you, you like the costly ones (even if it’s not for you). You want to show that you deeply regret, despite you know well that money does not buy everything, and also you want to save the job.
He finally accepts. You hope that he will wear these shoes for the (expected) next pics, but actually he will never come with them. Probably he sold them, or maybe even he arranged things with the shop, like saying to the shopkeeper “today he gives you 700, you give me the shoes ; tomorrow (or even 1 hour later !) I give you back your shoes, in their box, and you give me 600 – or we go in another shop”. This sounds very unlikely “hier”, but this is more than possible “there” ! (You know that, you’ve seen this already) And why not, after all. For you it’s the same, and if he prefers money to shoes, you can understand that. And you won’t give money for apologizing ! You explained him well that this was a personal present, not related to the job. Probably for him it’s all the same, he does not care, but not for you.
So, for tonight, enigste 2 face pics (made at the beginning, before the problem), and you’ve spent a lot of money ! That’s life… Lessons, altyd.
– September 24, 14:00 (pics 019 aan 070, and video clip 1) – You managed to bring him into a “hammam” (a steam bath). Actually you have been monitoring this steam bath since several days, staying not far from the entrance (but discreetly) and watching the people going inside, but actually you hardly even saw anyone. But it was open. So, in die oggend, you have entered for inquiring, and the guy working there explained you that it was normal that there was no one in the afternoon (because of a specific reason that you did not understand). Then you asked him if you can come later with a local “friend”, just to see this man’s reaction, and to prepare him to this eventuality, given that you have some painful memories about such things. He seems ok and not shocked, probably he already guessed that we don’t want only to “skoon”, but anyway there is nobody, so he probably expects some good tip. And you judge that there is no trap.
So you come back there in the afternoon, with Djamel, not together, natuurlik ! (there are people watching all the time !). He enters first (you monitor from far) and you enter a few minutes later.
You give a good tip to the guy, and he tell you that after 5 aan 10 mn, he has to leave the place shortly, as he has something to do outside.
You say ok no problem (natuurlik) and you don’t even think that this could be a trap or another problem, as this man looks really honest.
In such places (en selfs “hier”), this is not normal to make pictures of a boy in a steam bath (especially a boy that you don”t know, and that you pay for that !). But as there was nobody, you could take your camera without the need of hiding too much.
He begins to wash himself. You see that your digital camera seems to be still working, despite the very high temperature and moistness. You hope that it wont damage it. You do not yet realize that the viewers won’t be able to really appreciate the special atmosphere, because internet does not yet render the humidity and temperature, so the pics and vids will look not so interesting. They will even look a bit blurred and strange, du to the moisture on the lens.
Daarbenewens, you see that Djamel has a shit underwear, not sexy at all. Maar, natuurlik, you know him since the day before only, so you can’t invite him to a “hammam” and ask him to bring a “sexy underwear”, is dit nie ?
Never mind, you try do do your best, you can see a little bit of his balls, that’s not so bad.
In elk geval. Back to the hammam. You are doing some pics, when suddenly, the man comes, van agter, you did not hear him arriving. You immediately hide the camera, as you can, which is not so easy when you are almost naked. And also you are not yet washing yourself, you are sitting, turned towards Djamel, and anyway the man must have seen the light of the flash a few seconds ago.
But you faint… and he too, does like if there was nothing special.
He says that he just wanted to make sure that everything is alright, because he is about to leave for maybe 15 minute, leaving us totally alone.
He goes away, and you think that maybe it’s just a trick, that he expects you to feel comfortable and safe, that maybe you will have sex etc. Will he try to make problems (blackmail etc), or is it just because he wants to “sien” ? You don’t know, but you don’t feel so quiet.
So you search for another room, far from the entrance, so you can “adjust” dinge, by monitoring all the time (elke 10 seconds maybe) if someone is coming.
At first you were very glad to find this “empty” hammam, maar uiteindelik, it’s not so easy. Like always.
In the remote room, there is something like a bench.
Idea : ask Djamel to pretend to be _____ing, this way you can try to do some “voyeur” dinge, liek touching him etc.
Apparently he understood all, as he accepted. And said nothing when I began to caress him, on his underwear, that began to be a little bit hard but not so much.
For a boy who has probably never “known” a girl, it is a fact that being touched, having something sexual, even with another guy, is always good, as long as he thinks “he is the man” and me “the woman” (ten minste, the role). No gay guilt and all those nonsense and complications.
So you are touching him and he is beginning to rise. But he does not want to go further (no nude) and each times we hear some suspicious noise, he is a bit panicked (and you too…) ; you have to watch all the time if someone is coming, the air is horrible, the light is very bad, die onderklere, not nice, the boy, stressed, and finally the man arrives, but hopefully you had the time (a few seconds) to compose a “normaal” behaviour.
Anyway it is sure that he knows that all this was not so innocent, and you know that he knows, so never mind.
You leave the place, you give a good tip, the guy does not make any problem. A good man, and quite a good occasion actually (an empty steam bath for you alone), even if the images are not fantastic, at least it is some real and rough experience.
Apparently Djamel has things to do, or maybe he is a bit frightened, and he says he must go. Betaling, meeting promises, good bye.
Actually it is quite difficult to know what this boy is really thinking, want, not only he rarely speaks, but also he also he always look the same : slightly smiling, always looking “equal”.
Even when he denies something, he is talking smoothly, and with his little smile…
Really impossible to “feel” hom. Maybe he is preparing some trap ? That would not be the first time with “kind boys”…:-(
Wait and see.
– September 26, 14:00 – (pics 006 aan 018) – You could not manage to have him come to an appointment since 2 dae, but also you know that you shall not insist too much, this boys seems to be able to accept or refuse any thing (or to change his mind) for any reason, or for no reason ! Thus, you must “walk on eggs” with him!
Granted, he is not a PERFECT boy, he is cute, but not a reason to do so many efforts, kan wees. But also, it is so hard to find cute boys, who accept to do something, that you must continue with him. And also it’s arousing : what will you manage to do with him ? How ? When ? All that seems very unsure. But it’s much more interesting than when a “script” is already decided (in such case, nothing is real, the boys just do their role, like machines, it seems a bit stupid).
Now you are in the car, and you are driving. Ten minste, when you drive, no one will come to ask you something. That’s the trick : recording when you are driving a car, if you have really no other choice. Not so easy, but possible, you just have to take the highway, then not many handles or buttons to control. And anyway in the city the people are too much close !
So you ask him to try to show his underwear. Fortunately he does not have this ugly slip today, but a decent boxer.
He begins to caress himself, showing his boxer, and you think, at last, it begins now !
But in fact, he does not want to go further, and you can’t even know why…
And you know that it is pointless to try to insist, to have him change his mind.
And also you know that you and him do not have more than 200 words in common (it was already not so easy to have him understand roughly the purpose of the pics, when doing the release agreement).
So he just stops with the underwear, just saying something like “finished” of “geen”, and you just continue to drive like an idiot, trying to find the reasons yourself, trying to find a solution etc.
And always his little “half smile”… You wonder whether he is playing with you, or doing something to increase the prices, such things. But you feel that the answer is no.
He is just like that. Cool, glad, doing only what he wants, when he wants. You understand you just need to be patient. To learn to be patient…
Even in the countryside ! I know it sounds exaggerated, but one day I was so upset by all this, I made a test.
I asked to a good “local’ friend to come with me, with the car.
I had noticed, from far, on the road, an old broken house, that seems very quiet.
The location was at several kilometers from any other house.
We arrived near it, and before taking the small lane leading to this house, I carefully looked, ti see if anyone could see us leaving the main road.
Then I parked the car in a rather remote place, and we walked to the ruin, across the fields.
We had seen no one around.
My friend, from the beginning, was wondering if I was turning mad, because of the sun or what, because I suddenly led him there, with any explanations, and I looked quite upset.
Toe, when we were at the old house, I just told him “ok now here we are, let’s wait”.
My friend told me “wait WHAT ?”, and I replied “someone”.
And he “someone ?? WHO ??” (we were in the middle of nowhere).
I said “I don’t know who it is, I just know that before 10 minute, someone will come here, and will begin to talk with us, and ASK QUESTIONS !
En natuurlik, you guess what happened ! An old man come, outside of nowhere, and began to chat !
This is just an example, and in a very rural area ! Far from all !
Now imagine in a major city…
(no time to finish this text, it is really too long…)
19 ek.
Not working — Living in : Small city, Middle East
Kind, gentle, stil, but also whimsical and impossible to manage – Not so easy as he looks
Pretty, thin, tall, glad – A “stout seun” kyk, but not too much dangerous — Not hairy
First time sexual pics/vids (and surely unique) – That was very difficult and complicated !
Hammam (steam-bath) – Fondling and dick playing by the photographer, under wet briefs
CUMSHOTS : 8-10 sekondes, by 5:30 in video clip 4
Average dick, but hard and hot
Cut — Normal pubic hair
No bottom views (impossible to find space, and he would refuse)
Many different locations over many days, but sex views always in a car. That was a real adventure to make these images !
222 PICTURES (the sex and nudity are on videos – enigste 2 sex pics)
25mn of VIDEOS in 4 640×480 knipsels
Very difficult, despite appearances (please read the text under the card)
As hard to do, as the boy looks angelic on the pics
Arousing wet briefs rubbing, gesukkel, wankel, cumming
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