Tyree (Melns taisns zēns ar milzīgu peni) bezmaksas video klips

I added this clip because it is so funny when he speaks like a cat (plkst.5’00”) 🙂
And there is also an interesting story (pulksten 3’41”) par meiteni pie peldbaseina, kura diskrēti spēlējās ar savu gailīti…
Bet es fotografēju, no tālienes 🙂
Pateicoties šai epizodei, es sāku interesēties par darbu ar Tyree, jo es redzēju milzīgo “izspiesties” atstāja meitene…

Juliano (Latino taisnais zēns) bezmaksas video klips Nr.5 (dejošana)

This boy is aged 20, I like hissquare” sejas, he has a nice body, a rather average cock (16-17cm) but he is not complicated, and he is ok for many things, as you will see later. He did never do anything with another boy, but I changed that 🙂 Here you can see, pirmo reizi, the flat that I am renting in South America, in order to work with boys (and to live…). […]

Silvio (Latino taisns zēns ar jauku hardonu) bezmaksas video klips

Šis jauneklīgais zēns kaut ko gaidīja pie sava mopēda, viņš bija izaicinošs, Man tas šķita uzbudinoši. Viņš bija kautrīgs un brīnījās visas sesijas laikā, bet es varētu spēlēt daudz ar viņa gailis (tikai ar manu roku, jo es negribēju viņu biedēt). Viņam nav liels gailis, bet tas bija diezgan ciets un stīvs. Beigās, Es viņu pamodināju līdz cumshots !

Natanaels (Latino taisnais zēns) bezmaksas video klips

Very SENSUAL boy ! But also very stressed. He was sostressed and arousedthat he cummed secretly in the middle of the session when I was busy somewhere else 🙁 Fortunately, he managed to cum again, at the end. It’s easy to see that he was not aware about the sex. I could barely touch him. This set is not perfect, but very arousing. You can see two other boys (Osvaldo and Junior) jo […]

Roders (Melns puika) bezmaksas video klips

Šis puisis ir… GEM ! “Ārprātīgi mīļi” sejas, forši, laipns, ļoti gudri, burvīgs, dievišķais šokolādes ķermenis, un… 19 cm !
He is student in computer science. He was introduced to me by a friend ; he is willing to earn money. You can see very clearly that he loves women, since he seemed fascinated by thelesbianmovie on the little MP4 player. […]