Tyree (Crni strejt dečko s ogromnim kitom) besplatni video isječak

I added this clip because it is so funny when he speaks like a cat (u 5’00”) 🙂
And there is also an interesting story (at 3’41”) about a girl at the swimming pool who was playing with his cock discreetly
But I was taking pictures, from far 🙂
It is thanks to this episode that I started to be interested in working with Tyree, because I saw the huge “oticati” left by the girl

Juliano (Latino strejt dečko) besplatni video isječak br.5 (ples)

This boy is aged 20, I like hissquare” lice, he has a nice body, a rather average cock (16-17cm) but he is not complicated, and he is ok for many things, as you will see later. He did never do anything with another boy, but I changed that 🙂 Here you can see, prvi put, the flat that I am renting in South America, in order to work with boys (and to live…). […]

Silvio (Latino strejt dečko s lijepom tvrdoćom) besplatni video isječak

This younglooking boy was waiting for something near his moped, he was defiant, I found that arousing. He was shy and wondering during all the session, but I could play a lot with his cock (only with my hand, because I did not want to frighten him). He does not have a big cock but it was quite hard and stiff. Na kraju, I wanked him until cumshots !

Nathanael (Latino strejt dečko) besplatni video isječak

Very SENSUAL boy ! But also very stressed. He was sostressed and arousedthat he cummed secretly in the middle of the session when I was busy somewhere else 🙁 Fortunately, he managed to cum again, na kraju. It’s easy to see that he was not aware about the sex. I could barely touch him. This set is not perfect, but very arousing. You can see two other boys (Osvaldo and Junior) jer […]

Roder (Crni dječak) besplatni video isječak

Ovaj tip je… DRUGAR ! “Ludo sladak” lice, cool, ljubazan, jako pametna, šarmantan, božansko čokoladno tijelo, i… 19 cm !
Student je informatike. Upoznao me prijatelj ; voljan je zaraditi novac. Vrlo se jasno vidi da on voli žene, budući da se doimao fasciniranim “lezbijka” film na malom MP4 playeru. […]