I added this clip because it is so funny when he speaks like a cat (u 5’00”)
And there is also an interesting story (u 3:41”) o djevojci na bazenu koja se diskretno igrala s njegovim kurcem…
Ali sam slikao, izdaleka
Upravo zahvaljujući ovoj epizodi počela sam se zanimati za rad s Tyree, jer sam vidio ogroman “oticati” ostavila djevojka…
Arhiva: Video zapisi
Opis videozapisa
Iheb (Arapski strejt dečko s vrlo velikim tvrdim kurom) besplatni video isječak
Meet this straight arab boy whom I sucked the good big dick
Then I wanked him and he cummed (4 video isječaka ukupno za ovaj skup).
Smooth young Arabian boy, with a HUGE cock ! Bio je jako sramežljiv i pod stresom, but very horny too Very delectable juicy cock !
Roder 2 (Crni dječak s velikim kitom) besplatni video isječak
Druga sesija s ovim oduzima dah, vrlo seksi dečko. Sa seksi donjim rubljem, masaža / milovanje, pušenje, i svršavanje.
Tamo su 4 seansi ukupno s njim (kao solo za YSB), i još nekoliko as “hardcore”. […]
Ichem (Arapski strejt dečko s ukočenim kurom) besplatni video isječak
Zaista prekrasan dječak s veličanstvenim tijelom i dobrim krutim kurcem ! Kako odoljeti ?
Hedi (Arapski straight dječak se kreće penis bez ruku) besplatni video isječak
On je sjedio, čekajući autobus ; Primijetila sam njegovu kratko podšišanu frizuru, i njegov “grub dečko” izgled ; Predložio sam mu posao, izgledao je otvoren za mnoge stvari… Imao je osobnu iskaznicu, odmah smo otišli u moj hotel, nedaleko ; bilo je već 22 sata, ali rekao sam da ću ipak platiti taksi. […]
lijen (Crni sramežljivi strejt dječak) besplatni video isječak
A young slim guy, rather shy. I had to discuss with him during months in order to convince him and to get him to obtain his ID card from the administration. He has an average dick, but good, stiff and juicy […]
Juliano (Latino strejt dečko) besplatni video isječak br.5 (ples)
This boy is aged 20, I like his “square” lice, he has a nice body, a rather average cock (16-17cm) but he is not complicated, and he is ok for many things, as you will see later. He did never do anything with another boy, but I changed that Here you can see, prvi put, the flat that I am renting in South America, in order to work with boys (and to live…). […]
Juliano (Latino strejt dečko) besplatni video isječak br.2
This clip N°2 of Juliano is free (there is also a free clip N°5).
Randall (Crni strejt dječak s velikim tvrdim penisom) besplatni video isječak
A muscular base-ball player, not expecting to do sexual things, but understanding rather quickly. Much less difficult that I feared at first ; I could masturbate him. Very hard thick cock, long session, long hard-ons, impressive cum shots ! All strong !
Silvio (Latino strejt dečko s lijepom tvrdoćom) besplatni video isječak
This younglooking boy was waiting for something near his moped, he was defiant, I found that arousing. He was shy and wondering during all the session, but I could play a lot with his cock (only with my hand, because I did not want to frighten him). He does not have a big cock but it was quite hard and stiff. Na kraju, I wanked him until cumshots !
Osvaldo (Crni strejt dečko) besplatni video isječak
Vrlo sladak i seksi vitak dječak, vrlo napaljen i nekompliciran, puna kvaliteta… Stvarno dobar dečko ! (a i ukusno
Nathanael (Latino strejt dečko) besplatni video isječak
Very SENSUAL boy ! But also very stressed. He was so “stressed and aroused” that he cummed secretly in the middle of the session when I was busy somewhere else Fortunately, he managed to cum again, na kraju. It’s easy to see that he was not aware about the sex. I could barely touch him. This set is not perfect, but very arousing. You can see two other boys (Osvaldo and Junior) jer […]
Matej (Latino strejt dečko) besplatni video isječak
Ovaj tip je pun mišića, cool, nije komplicirano. Našao sam ga na tržnici, bio je prodavač (Našao sam samo 2 dobri ili pristojni dečki tamo, među tisućama i tisućama osoba…).
Roder (Crni dječak) besplatni video isječak
Ovaj tip je… DRUGAR ! “Ludo sladak” lice, cool, ljubazan, jako pametna, šarmantan, božansko čokoladno tijelo, i… 19 cm !
Student je informatike. Upoznao me prijatelj ; voljan je zaraditi novac. Vrlo se jasno vidi da on voli žene, budući da se doimao fasciniranim “lezbijka” film na malom MP4 playeru. […]