サンティアゴ, 超キュートな本物のローグマッチョガイ, 初めて男に吸われた :-)

にジャンプします 完全な説明 このページの終わり近く (=この少年とこのセットの詳細)

彼のビデオクリップは無修正です 🙂


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この人は本当に “上”! 🙂 I fucking love him!

He’s really the kind ofyoung macho guyyou’ll probably like too.
Quite narcissistic too, but that’s no problem 🙂
As long as he feels he’s admired or even ‘adored’, everything’s fine, and that’s what happened!

The boy’s got a big long cock, too! 🙂

He’s the kind of guy, not exactlyscum”, but a bit like that (he even wanted to take a new sheet folded in the hotel room, but I told him that it would be charged to my bank card so he refrained, and stealing a sheet is not good for his “名誉”).
Let’s just say that this boy, tough and macho but rather cool and nice, is the complete opposite of an ‘academic’.

I met him really by chance. He was walking fast (have you noticed that these kind of ‘tough guysalways seem busy and walk fast?)
I was in a kind of market with Gabriel, and we were busy in front of a small telephone repair stand (for Gabriel).
We were talking to the repairman. But as you can guess, I always have a sort of ‘spinning radarin my head to detect boys.
Because the best boys are often found BY CHANCE, not when you’re searching for them! (Examples: ガブリエル, レナン, ロレンツォ, アラン, and many others).
So I see this guy (サンティアゴ) coming from a long way off in a corridor, he’s walking fast with a determined walk, he’s got his cap on, he even looks dangerous, the kind of guy you don’t want to approach because they’re busy trafficking something. Three seconds later, he was walking behind me, and I was wondering what to do, run after him or what? He seemed in a hurry, 難しい, inaccessible and very unapproachable. さらに, approaching a guy who’s in a hurry is always difficult.
I had to make a decisionAnd after 3 seconds I said to Gabriel “彼! Santiago was already disappearing into the street, but Gabriel had time to catch up with him (I was busy getting his phone fixed).
Gabriel even told me that when he first approached Santiago it didn’t go very well because he had a slightly violent reaction (Gabriel had touched him on the back), but it quickly settled down.
And you won’t regret this “アクション”, this decision andchasethat took less than 10 秒!

Gabriel then took care of convincing him (I pay him for that).
Then came the day of the appointment.
I quickly realised that I had to ‘comply’. 例えば, ‘Monsieurdidn’t really respond to my questions or requests.
Things had to come from him. There are people like that, who don’t do anything they haven’t decided to do.

As we walked down the street to the hotel, given that I’d explained to him that the ‘jobwas mainly with underwear, he obviously had his doubts (as they all do), and he politely made it clear that he didn’t really like ‘fag stuff’ (Allan and others had done that too), then he told me outright that I didn’t look gay, which was also a way of saying that he had his doubts.
実際には, if you’re sure that a guy is straight, it doesn’t make sense to say to him, right from the start when we’re getting to know each other, “You don’t look gay”. Meaning: “but maybe you are…”.
In these situations, it’s always best for these guys to avoid talking too much about these subjects, つまり、. に “not admitthat they’ve done things with a guy.
You do these things, but you don’t comment on them. An important rule! Because commenting forces the guy to admit (even just to me) clearly that he’s done these things, that he’s aware of them.
Whereas if he doesn’t say anything, 良い, he’s letting me do things to him, things are going on in a bit of a ‘grey zone’.
But at the end of the session, he did say something like “最終的には, we did everything that girls like…”. Or almost, because I did suck him off (see Santiago 2) but he didn’t penetrate me (anal).

一方で, if you see the videos, you know for sure that he had no idea what was going to happen, you can see it in his reactions (even if they’re “予約済み” because he’s still in hisalpha male +++” 役割).
Let’s just say money helps a lot! And little by little, despite his very domineering nature and his reticence, well in the end I did everything I wanted. And it was good 🙂

It’s really delicious to be able to do all that (groping a hard cock, sucking etc) with an unapproachable, almost thuggishstreet guy”!

As for the content of the set, I’m not going to describe it in detail here, because it’sfairly classic”, typical of afirst session”.
And very good and very exciting and progressive, いつも🙂
There are 2h05mn of video in 8 クリップ.

Nothing’s ever perfect: the only thing I didn’t like at first was the hair on his legs. It bothered me so much that I asked him to shave it off, which he did at the 40 minute mark (for ‘extra’ お金, like with all the things he didn’t expect).

I loved his beautiful, long, 難しい, straight cock, and I’m sure you will too!

There are also many passages where his cockwets” 下着, それは非常にエキサイティングです, he was very horny even if he didn’t want to show it 🙂
The transparent drops coming out slowly are proof that a guy is REALLY aroused!

最後に, I masturbate him until he ejaculates, he spurts not far but in “正常” quantity, and anyway it doesn’t matter how much because it’s almost ecstatic to wank his hot, hard cock and get the juice out, thinking that he’s astreet boy”, それよりも “基本的な” and quite homophobic, and that at 5 seconds it would never have happened!
実際には, at the beginning in front of the stall, I only had 2 また 3 seconds to make my decision (I thought yes, 番号, はい, 番号, はい, in about 2 秒), just like with Renan in the street.

Imagine that I spent about two hours, including at least an hour and a half with his hard cock in my hand (even with underwear on, it’s just as exciting when it’s hard).
And you’re about to see it all 🙂 I’m trying to share it as best I can with the videos.

Santiago is undoubtedly a “女性’ 男”, and I even saw proof of this because after the session we went for a walk in the street, and by coincidence a group of 4 girls almost jumped on him (he told me he’d already fucked one of them), they were like crazy fluttering around him as if he were a rock star, in short they were dying to be fucked by him 🙂
I was discreetly out of the way, and quite happy when seeing this, because I had sucked his good cock a little while before 🙂

この男は “not to be missed”! If you don’t like him, write to me, because I can’t imagine that’s possible 🙂







無修正 ビデオクリップ写真 この男の子の YSBメンバー専用 含む ヌードセックス, マスターベーション 射精🙂
そして、それは他のほとんどすべての男の子にも同じです メンバーエリア, それ以外は (まれに), セットの名前で明確に指定されています, チェックインできます オンラインのすべてのセットのリスト 購読する前に.


まだメンバーではありません ?

1/ を参照してください ビデオクリップと写真のリスト この男の子のために! (その次のページのサムネイルをクリックできます。)

2/ 見る どれの ビデオクリップと写真 現在オンラインです すべての男の子のために!

3/ 接続 (つまり、. 申し込む) メンバーになる! (すぐにアクセスします – ビットコインで支払う場合を除いて – 現在オンラインになっているすべてのビデオクリップと写真, 大きいサイズで, そして無修正のセックスで。)

4/ メンバーエリアにアクセスする (毎日1つのクリップで更新) 好きなときにコンテンツを楽しむために! (アクセスを共有したり、ビデオや写真をどこにも投稿したりしないでください, それは重要です。)

5/ 質問または疑問 ? –> をご覧ください サポート ページ (あなたが私たちに電子メールを送ることができるところ). (また、使用することができます ゲストブック メッセージを送信するには, または他のユーザーが残したコメントを読む。)


サブスクリプションをどうもありがとう より多くの新しい男の子にお金を払うことができます🙂


時計 YSBの無料ビデオクリップ 🙂!

25 ビデオが見つかりました
