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時間o sum up, the sessions with Dakari are without any particular problems, and should please everyone here.
I think he’s a handsome guy, with a nice harmonious body, quite muscular (但不是 “horribly”), and with a good, “big enough” 公雞 回复
I found him in transport, and his first questions were about whether there was any nudity in the session, in a rather worried way (and this is often the case with other boys).
I replied that there wasn’t, otherwise he wouldn’t have come, 但 (as you know), I pay ‘extras’ for nudity (plus many more options!).
And generally, with my very progressive method, the boys accept.
(In the very rare cases where we can’t even get to that stage, 出色地, the session quickly ends and you never see those images, which are pointless, only frustrating).
So I was expecting the session to be rather difficult (I thought he might be ‘religious’, 這讓一切變得複雜), but in fact it went smoothly.
Like many other boys, he kept a reserved and neutral air, almost cold, but the stiffness of his cock could not be mistaken, especially as drops (of seminal fluid) came out quite often,
which is proof of very high sexual arousal 🙂
This set lasts two hours, during which I grope and knead his hard cock! 🙂
在最後, I jerk him off, and he spurts out a lot of cum for quite a long time – you won’t regret it! 🙂
更重要的是, this guy is pretty cool and nice and quiet, 不複雜.
If you like boys of this (美麗的) 顏色, I’m sure you’ll love it! 🙂
未經審查的 視頻剪輯 和 相片 這個男孩的 為 YSB 會員保留 包括 裸體性愛, 手淫 和 射精🙂
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非常感謝您的訂閱 讓我們為更多的新男孩買單🙂
手錶 YSB 免費影片剪輯 🙂!