Henrique, un tânăr heterosexual latino timid și zvelt, masturbandu-se si cumming

Henrique, a rather shy skinny straight Latino boy, slowly getting aroused, wanking and cumming 🙂
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Vezi celelalte poze ale lui și clipurile sale video fără cenzură!
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Vezi celelalte poze ale lui și clipurile sale video fără cenzură!
(acces gratuit la miniaturi din zona Membrii)

Vezi celelalte poze ale lui și clipurile sale video fără cenzură!
(acces gratuit la miniaturi din zona Membrii)

Vezi celelalte poze ale lui
iar clipurile sale video necenzurate!

(acces gratuit la miniaturi din zona Membrii)


This boy was selling food on the street near my place.
I first noticed the fact that he was particularly thin (asa de, “interesant”), then I thought he had a nice face, but I didn’t immediately think of him as a “model” for the site, because of his moustaches (which are not the style here).
But little by little, as the weeks went by, I got used to him, and I would buy things from him from time to time, saying only a few words, and not talking about the “mica treaba”.
One day, after several months, I finally told him about it, and he was surprised: it’s almost always the case for boys who think they are very skinny, they imagine that to be photogenic they have to be muscular. This is often a problem in my work, as I mostly “ţintă” skinny or even very skinny boys, and so they often have doubts, they imagine that I have hidden agendas, that it can’t be true that I’m going to pay them (when they think they’re too skinny), etc., and often this blocks everything.
But Henrique was very sweet and we had a ratherslightly friendlyrelationship for a few months.
He didn’t tell me straight away if he was interested or not, he took my contact politely, and then I had to talk to him again about itin bits and piecesfor several more months, until he finally decided to accept. I think it took almost one year

În timpul ședinței, at the beginning it was really laborious, because he was so “angelic” (far from thehard dicks” povestiri) that I preferred to go very slowly and not touch him, in order not tobreak everything”.
So the first two clips are very long (and boring) and a small erection comes with difficulty, but I kept all these lengths in the clips, just to show you the reality, to show you how it happened, and that it was not so easy.
I advise you to watch the first two clips “repede”, by skipping through them).

From the third clip onwards (roughly), it gets better, and he understands that the erection is welcome in this job 🙂
In cele din urma, when I make him try some kind of elastic sheaths (systems to enlarge the penis, supposedly), I take advantage of the fact that these sheaths are very thick (asa de “it’s not really touching him”) to really grab his dick, and there I felt him getting really excited, his dick was really hard.
Then I masturbated him on the bed, but I thought that the “lapte” would never come like that so I asked him to jack off himself.
And of course he came 🙂

(While editing the 4th and last clip, I thought back to all those months when I saw this “normal” băiat, dressed, in the street (la fel de ” inaccessibleas all the others), and also to the fact that for almost an hour at the beginning of the sessionhe didn’t suspect anything” (no or little erection), and that finally in a very short time I was able to masturbate him and he became aroused within 30 seconds after I started to knead his cock with the white sheath), and it turned me on so much to think about it that Ihadto masturbate (and cum) myself, and then I continued editing the video ! 🙂 )

Finally I find that his very thin moustaches are not a problem. I think he’s a nice guy, în fiecare sens al cuvântului.
I hope you like this set.
(Sorry for the poor quality of the pictures (motion blur): I had brought a light, but it was insufficient.)


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iar clipurile sale video necenzurate!

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Cei necenzurati videoclipuri și fotografii a acestui băiat
rezervat membrilor YSB include
sex nud, masturbare și ejaculare 🙂
Și este la fel pentru aproape toți ceilalți băieți din Zona membrilor,
in caz contrar (în unele cazuri rare), este specificat clar în denumirile seturilor,
pe care le puteți verifica în lista cu toate seturile online înainte de a vă abona.


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Mulțumesc mult pentru abonament
permițându-ne să plătim pentru mai mulți băieți noi 🙂



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