Junior, un tânăr frumos latino heterosexual

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si sa ma uit acum VIDEOCLIPELE lui


2 pictures from the second set, where he was much more relaxed :

INSCRIE-TE pentru a-i vedea fotografiile necenzurate,
si sa ma uit acum VIDEOCLIPELE lui


Mi se pare băiatul ăsta foarte drăguț, foarte atractiv. Are un corp destul de perfect, si el este foarte misto (although quite a bit of a businessman…)


Privește-l pe al lui
CLIPURI VIDEO și imagini necenzurate
în seturile lui!

(Verificați dacă este disponibil momentan în zona Membri)


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pentru a-i face imediat vizibili pe TOȚI BĂIEȚII în

lista tuturor SETĂRILOR în prezent în Zona membrilor
(actualizat cel putin 6 ori pe săptămână cu un videoclip).


It has been very difficult to have him come to the appartment, because he is living quite far, in a small town or village, and he is very difficult to contact. Added to that, there were many doubts (from me, about his real age, since he did not have his ID card at the beach, and mostly from him : he asked me if there werepics only”, or if there wereother things”. I had to say that I was also recording everything in video, which did not help, he wanted to know whyHe obviously was afraid of anything sexualbut I told him that anyway it was not nude pics, because anyway he would always keep at least one cloth 🙂 And, ca întotdeauna, I stuck to my promise… dar… you will see ! 🙂 He actually keptone cloth”, dar nu-ți face griji, it’s very interesting, and it’s an example of what I wrote for Damian, where a boy can keepone clothbut this can be a very light sheath over penis, with even a hole to allow the cumshots ! 🙂

The session with Junior went well, he was of course surprised at all the differentsteps”, but he was not shocked and, dupa cum veti vedea, all this made him laugh, in cele din urma. So I wonder about what was seemed so frightening to him at first (maybe that I would ass-fuck him ??…).
This is really a pleasant boy, I like his style, his body ; he has an average cock, but one can’t have all, nu-i aşa ?
I made 3 se aseaza cu el (2 solo-uri, and one with his pal, who finally came to my flat another day).


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pentru a-i face imediat vizibili pe TOȚI BĂIEȚII în

lista tuturor SETĂRILOR în prezent în Zona membrilor
(actualizat cel putin 6 ori pe săptămână cu un videoclip).


25 videoclipuri găsite

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