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Dylan este un tânăr heterosexual foarte frumos, dar reticent; în primul set (înregistrat în 3 ori) era mascat și era de neimaginat să-l atingă, dar în al doilea set (înregistrat în 2 zile) era doar puțin mascat, and little by little I managed to touch him and even to masturbate him to ejaculation!
Iată câteva poze din set “Dylan 2“.
*Click here to see more about Dylan 2,
and the first set (gratuit)*
Description (poveste) al first a stabilit (“Dylan”) | Description (poveste) al second a stabilit (“Dylan 2”)
*Click here to see more about Dylan 2,
and the first set (gratuit)*
Description (poveste) al first a stabilit (“Dylan”) | Description (poveste) al second a stabilit (“Dylan 2”)
*Click here to see more about Dylan 2,
and the first set (gratuit)*
Description (poveste) al first a stabilit (“Dylan”) | Description (poveste) al second a stabilit (“Dylan 2”)
*Click here to see more about Dylan 2,
and the first set (gratuit)*
Description (poveste) al first a stabilit (“Dylan”) | Description (poveste) al second a stabilit (“Dylan 2”)
*Click here to see more about Dylan 2,
and the first set (gratuit)*
Description (poveste) al first a stabilit (“Dylan”) | Description (poveste) al second a stabilit (“Dylan 2”)
Cei necenzurati videoclipuri și fotografii a acestui băiat
rezervat membrilor YSB include
sex nud, masturbare și ejaculare
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pe care le puteți verifica în lista cu toate seturile online înainte de a vă abona.
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Mulțumesc mult pentru abonament
permițându-ne să plătim mai mulți băieți noi
Description (poveste) of the first set (“Dylan”):
A breath-taking 18 pe mine. boy with a cute face and a “body to die for” (and a BIG 19-20cm cock !).
I find this boy extremely handsome !
It took me more than 1 year to “obține” -l, and I had to deploy almost all my tricks and accessories to manage to have this very reluctant, tough but shy (modest) băiat, finally show his huge hard dick and and do all the “usual stuff” (including jelly-pussy fucking, și cumming, desigur), la sfârșitul 3 sesiuni (over 3 different days).
More information :
A very quiet but tough boy, clearly in category “băieții răi” ! But kind with me.
Sunt 3 long sessions with tons of underwear with this boy, because he was really reluctant at first, and possibly violent.
I had to go very very slowly.
For the 2nd and 3rd sessions (B and C), he was aware that it was all about sex, and he accepted that, as long as all the rest of his body would be covered.
He was not “gata” for nudity at the 2nd session. There was always a risk of refusal or other problem.
Before accepting the “loc de munca” (before the first session (A), he said “OK as long as it’s not ‘obscene’ (he meant ‘nude’). And given that it took me more than one year to get him (and to retrieve him !), I had to agree with that, while trying to do my job anyway… Not easy ! But possible (with a lot of time and efforts and money).
In cele din urma, am reusit sa “Fă-o” : a folosit o pompă pentru penis, he fucked a transparent jelly pussy and a transparent doll.
La sfarsit, he ejaculated inside the condom inside the transparent doll, so it’s not possible to see the cum shots but only a few drops, but it is good anyway and there are nice close-ups on his big nice cock !
Later, I managed to retrieve him again, he was more relaxed and less reluctant (and much less masked), and I could make 2 other sessions over two days in the same hotel room: on the first day he cums again in a condom while fucking a jelly pussy, but on the next day I could even masturbate his big snake and he made nice cum shots, it was really marvelous!
De fapt, the story is very complicated and maybe incredible.
La început, I noticed that very cute guy in a shopping mall, singur, walking and looking quite busy. He was so handsome that I had no other option than following him. He went outside and I continued to follow him for quite a long time. He was walking quickly and “impossible to catch”, and finally I lost him. I was feeling really pissed ! Such a beauty…
Dar, din fericire, I found him again a few days later, not that far, then I went directly at him and he stopped and had a rather aggressive attitude, very tough and macho (that you never see in the clips).
I proposed him “pictures for money”. He seemed highly reluctant but I told him the (motivating) price and eventually, cateva zile mai tarziu, he contacted me for more information.
Given that it was looking SO difficult (and possibly dangerous), I just very vaguely mentioned the idea of “pictures in swimsuits” but he replied “at long as it is not obscene”… then I thought “Wow, it will be even more difficult than expected” and I avoided to mention that idea again.
In schimb, I proposed to make just “normal” Imagini (portraits) and we did that, and I had to pay him for that, cum a promis.
Sometimes I do that and you never see these boys, because there is no follow-up.
Later, almost one year after the first sessions (sub-sets A, B, C), something rather incredible happened.
I was trying to retrieve him, he did not give sign of life during all that time, and his phone numbers did not produce anything useful.
Given that I was extremely motivated for that guy, I went really to great lengths…
I remembered vaguely that he had said the name of a village which seemed to be (or which might have been) his home. So I looked on the map to find a village or city with a similar name, and I found one which seemed to be matching.
So I went with my car to that village (poate 30 km) and of course I found nothing (not even anyone else).
But I could not give up so easily.
Then I went to the closest city, thinking that given that the village was empty, and given that the boy as looking “activ” and going to the big city quite often, there were some chances to find him there, with a lot of luck.
So I spend HOURS in the city center of that middle-size town, close to what could be the bus stop for the big city (in case he was using the bus), but once again, in vain.
Then I thought that the whole idea was just ridiculous, so I gave up and I decided to visit some “touristic” things in the area, during maybe 2 ore. But in order to go back to my place at the end of that “aventură”, I had to drive through that same “middle-sized city” din nou…
So I thought “why not trying again”, it wont cost me anything.
So I went again the that same place, close to the main bus stop.
And I waited and watched again in vain during one or two hours.
Then I was really too much, so I decided to go back to my car in the parking.
BUT when arriving to the parking (not far from the bus stop), I had a sort of “intuition” and I decided to go ONCE AGAIN back to that bus stop, which I did.
Și apoi, guess what (you found already!), who did I see in that bus stop waiting for that bus ??? HIM !! da, incredible…
He was puzzled (and me a bit less), given that we did not see each other for almost one year, and we had lost contact.
Pe deasupra, he knew well that I was not really from that region.
So I decided to add some fun to the surprise, and I talked to him like if the last time we met was one hour ago, I gave him my contact again, and I told him sincerely that I was looking for him, and that I wanted to make new sessions, meaning money for him.
He knew already that I paid well and that I was correct, so he called me back, and that is how finally we managed to make those sessions 2 și 3!
I know that the “release rate” of the very numerous parts of this boy us very slow, but it is reflecting the difficulties.
I had to go REALLY very slowly with him.
But finally, very nice things were possible.
(in orice caz, I could not suck him, and such a proposal would have been really dangerous, even if he was always kind with me but I could always feel the “limits” (and playing with them…), but anyway all what we did was really not imaginable at the beginning).
Thanks for your attention. I hope that you will appreciate that very difficult work.
In the special clip (parte 00) made with a sub-miniature camera, you will see how gorgeous he is.
He body is magnificent too, and his cock as well ! He is the perfect guy !
Apropo, he is not “Latino” (and I don’t think that he even speaks Spanish), he is a mix of “Black and White” (ca “Latinii”) and I don’t have a special category for that so I had to “put” him in the “Latinii”. Now you know all the story !
Description (poveste) of the second set (“Dylan 2”):
Here is the second (and last) set with Dylan, a very handsome boy with a nice 19-20 cm dick
I managed to retrieve him after almost one year (after having lost contact with him), through a rather incredible story, in a city where I did never set foot before and where I went, intr-o zi, following an “inspiration”, thinking that I might find him there. (You can read that story in the description of the first set).
Bine… The first set was extremely long: poti sa vezi 25 parts but it took me 3 different sessions (meetings) to do it (and a lot of cash…).
This second set is VERY long too! Dar, din fericire, there is much more (good) sex
You may wonder “why so long ?”… If you watch the movies carefully (and better if you understand French…) you may notice that in fact, at each “little step”, I was close to the “maximum” that he could accept. Vreau să spun, about the things like touching his cock. In this second set, you may notice I had to go VERY progressively to touch his cock very slightly after some time. But finally, on the next day and after so many hours to get him used to all that, I could even wank him until he released his load This would have been really impossible if I had gone too fast.
You will notice that in this second set we slept in the same room. Before sleeping, I asked him if I could record something (and touch him) during his sleep, and he refused (you will hear him saying several times “c’est chaud” sens “it’s hot” (= “dificil”), which is a polite way to say that he was really not keen about that, and then I asked for confirmation and he said he did not want). But in the morning, he was much relaxed than the other days, and I think that it is because he saw that I did not insist at all, and I simply slept (in a separate bed).
În această a doua sesiune, we’ve had the same problem as in the set “Dylan”, which is that he ejaculated inside the condom. Various times, he said that the sex toys were painful for his cock, that’s why I asked him to wear a condom. Aparent, with the jelly pussy and the lube (and at least one hour of watching female porn…), it was too much arousing for him and he could not prevent from ejaculating.
Asa de, for the last day (adică. the morning), that you will see in this 2nd set, I made sure that he would not use any condom, and also avoid any sex toy or anything that would hide “the good bits” at the most critical moment.
am avut ideea de “isolating” him with a sheet (you will see), this way he could not see me, and I think it was necessary because he would not have accepted the view of a guy masturbating his cock. So given that the upper part of his body was “behind a curtain”, I told him “stay with the video with the girls, and I will handle all the rest”. So he could not see me nor his cock, so it was a good pretext (or trick) spre “handle the things” At the end, he made several cum shots, and one of them is quite big: you will see that well in the slow motion replay, ca întotdeauna.
So finally we managed to do it! I guess that it might be really long (sometimes too long) for some viewers, but I wanted to show you how difficult it was. Trust me, that kind of guy is really the “impossible type”. The type of guy that you see in public but you can’t even talk to him (which was the case at the beginning), and even if you manage to speak with him, it is just not imaginable to make any sexual proposal (from a man).
So that’s why I had to go through all those lengths. And given all the money that I had to spend (macar 5 times more than usual in the same region of the world), if I could have done it shorter, I would have done it.
I hope you will appreciate that work. This boy is truly beautiful, fermecător, definitely hetero, rece, and he has a big and beautiful “snake” He is rare…
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