Hedi (Arābu, taisns, puika, brīvs, gailis, pārvietojas) bezmaksas video klips

This first clip of Hedi is free.
Viņa citi klipi ir ŠEIT! (ieskaitot šīs ainas turpinājumu)
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He was sitting, waiting for the bus ; I noticed his short trimmed haircut, un viņa “rough boylook ; I proposed him the job, he looked open to many thingsHe had his ID card, we immediately went to my hotel, nav tālu ; it was already 10pm, but I said I would pay for the taxi anyway. He was not painful, but just like it should always be : asking the right questions, being a bit curious and amused about a man caring so much about his dick, normally excited and erect when I sucked him, just normal things, without the fear of being judged as a gay or such bullshit. I was very impressed by the size of his dick, especially the width, which was visible even through his short. He had a rathertough boystyle, but with me he was calm and kind (a bit like if he was with a girl…). Viņam ir “babyfaceand a young man’s face at the same time. Since he had such an interesting tool, and since he did not seem very hurried, I took all my time to make as much content as possible (kā redzat, more than 600 photos and half an hour of videos). For this first set, I was not well prepared, I was just arriving in this city, and I did not expect to find a boy so quickly, so I had no light, that’s why we had to go close to the few lamps of the room. He had a broken tooth (probably from a fight…) ; I spent ages correcting this with Photoshop, but you may notice it in the video clips. — The next day, we made another set, this time I bought a lamp, and he also made some efforts, by coming with a blue jean in the pocket of which he made a hole (guess for what?…). A nice guy ! And I asked him to keep the mouth closed, he understood. You can see this second set in ASB. — Un, I forgot the best of all : he can move his dick (bez rokām) almost any way he wants, it is very impressive, I had a lot of fun with thistoy” 🙂 — We finished this first set at 3am ! A very big work ! So the big boy with big tool could take the taxi with a pretty big amount of cash 🙂 Now enjoy

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