უოლფენი (ლათინო ბიჭი) უფასო ვიდეო კლიპი

This first clip of Walfeny is free.
მისი სხვა კლიპები არიან ᲐᲥ! (ამ სცენის შემდგომი ჩათვლით)
რეგისტრაცია ყველა კლიპის სანახავად ახლა 🙂

I noticed this cute young man sitting always at the same place in town, near my block, almost every night. Then I sat near him. He was there for the wifi of a nearby spot (ice-cream shop), for his smartphone. I talked about “სურათები”. Little by little, I mentionedswimsuitsand thenboxersand thensexy boxers” (like I usually do since a few years). He insisted aboutno pics of my intimate partsand I said yes, let’s see what we can do anyway. It took him several weeks to decide to come for the first session. We had to make this whole set over several days, mostly because of electricity shortages. I took a lot of time, slowly, to have him doing “სამუშაო” (sex), which he finally understood. I saidyou can always keep a cloth on your cock”, but finally (and fortunately) we managed to have his cock nude and hard and producing cumshots 🙂 This is (another) good example about how I manage to drive almost any boy spotted anywhere, to get nude, erect, wanking, და cumming ! And all this is honest, because the boys don’t regret what they did (or very rarely) (and the best proof is that they usually insist for more “სამუშაო ადგილები” lateras you can see with sets “2”, “3” და ა.შ.), and they admit that they would never do it if I told them all the truth at the beginning. In a video clip of Walfeny, you may also notice that I pay the boys in several parts (approximately 8), which helps (for motivation and trustthis way, they clearly see the link between their sex and money : more exposed and more hard = more money).

დააწკაპუნეთ ᲐᲥ მისი სხვა კლიპებისთვის და მისი ფოტოებისთვის!

Უყურებს YSB უფასო ვიდეო კლიპები 🙂!

25 ნაპოვნია ვიდეოები

ზოგიერთი სხვა უფასო YSB სურათების გვერდი