ეს პირველი კლიპი “Tyree 2” თავისუფალია.
მისი სხვა კლიპები არიან ᲐᲥ! (ამ სცენის შემდგომი ჩათვლით)
რეგისტრაცია ყველა კლიპის სანახავად ახლა 🙂
Second session with Tyree. He is a nice black boy with a very big heavy tool 🙂
And he is very kind too.
This time he already knew what the “სამუშაო” was about, so all was cool.
But at some point he was confused and hesitating, because I asked him if I could suck his dick… Სინამდვილეში, it’s not a good question to ask to a straight boy : you may try to do it (cautiously) but without talking too much. Because if he says yes, he may be ashamed ; and also he will think that if he says no, probably I won’t insist, so he won’t have that exciting experience (and also maybe less money). Fortunately, I had the idea to ask him to “do the statue”, which was a very handy pretext to “take advantage” of him, with his consent of course, and visibly with his pleasure. ამ კომპლექტში, he also fucks a transparent inflatable doll, and he even “fucked me between the legs” (from the front), during a short time. If you like Tyree, you will like this set 🙂
He will also appear in two sessions of “TBG” (TeenBoysGames), to be released here.
დააწკაპუნეთ ᲐᲥ მისი სხვა კლიპებისთვის და მისი ფოტოებისთვის!
ან იხილეთ მისი გადახედვის სურათები აქ
Უყურებს YSB უფასო ვიდეო კლიპები 🙂!