თინეიჯერი ბიჭების თამაშები 1 (TBG1) უფასო გადახედვის ვიდეო კლიპი

Four hot young straight Latino guys fooling around and playing with their cocks
(dick comparisons, wanking contests), and all releasing their loads 🙂

This is a free preview video clip made with extracts of the clips 01 და 02 დან “TeenBoysGames 1 (TBG1)” (დან 5 clips in total for this set TBG1).
The other clips of TBG1 არიან ᲐᲥ!
რეგისტრაცია ყველა კლიპის სანახავად ახლა 🙂

(“TBG” ნიშნავს “TeenBoysGames”, that was a little site that I made in the past for that kind of content, but I terminated many of those sites (CC, C18B, BFL, TCB, TBG, ჭამე…) because it was too much complicated, so I’ve put the content here in YSB.)

This session was rather crazy 🙂 And very funny and natural.
Სინამდვილეში, it was quite improvised. With some the guys that you already know (“TCB“, his brother რენალდო, and the two pals დამიანე და ფრედი, and two other guys, we organized a sort of little party in my flat.
I had just bought a little laser light (discotheque-like), and it as enough, with some drinks but not that much.
I proposed them to earn some money, they all knew already what it was about (except one who agreed to do the things, but who later never agreed to sign an “მოდელის გამოშვება” authorization, that’s why you will see some blurring or masking sometimes in this set (but it’s not too much annoying)).
There was როლდანი also but he did not participate (and at that time I thought that he would never be interested.
There are all the usualstraight guys fooling around” რამ : “ვერტმფრენი” (with dick), ass showing, pretending to fight or to fuck another one, dick comparisons, and some kind of “გაოცების კონკურსი” ! 🙂 With cumming for all of them.
Ბოლოს, Damian was the last one who did not yet cum, so he wanked alone in the room (with me recording) and it was nice.
I really like this guy, he is so sexy. He has a big surgical scar, and so what ? His cock is delicious (I could taste it inDamian 2”).

Ამის შემდეგ, they all sl_pt in the flat, and before that, I asked them if they would agree to earn more cash if I recorded them (about sex, რა თქმა უნდა) while they were s___ing, and they all agreed (TBG, his brother Renaldo, დამიანე და ფრედი.
I could record two of them (Renaldo and Damian) and it was very good (Damian cummed in my hand while I was masturbating him, and I could wank the hard big cock of Renaldo but he did not cum then, so I asked him to do that in the bathroom, after waking up.
But I can not (or hardly) publish this type of content here at YSB, because it is forbidden by the credit cards companies (they consider it asnon consensual”, even if I have all the proofs that the boys agree). So I had to publish those parts 6 და 7 in my little site dedicated for that, BoysVoyeur.com (“ბიჭები 17 and 18”).

Არიან, იმყოფებიან “მხოლოდ” 4 TBG sets, at least as of now in 2021, and I don’t think that I will do more in the future because it’s not so easy to find the proper conditions (apartment, მეგობრები…).
But it is very good. TBG 2, 3 და 4 are much more elaborated, I bought various accessories andadult games”, and I made them play really crazy things.
The best of all is that with all that “თამაში” ატმოსფერო, in fact they managed to do some verysexual” რამ (in particular when they fuck their friends in asex mattress”, and there is even a moment when უმცროსი almost ass-fucks ოსვალდო… ჰეი, that’s the game 🙂 And the more “ქულები” they were earning, the more money they were paid at the end 🙂
In TBG 2, 3 და 4 there is also ტირი (with his big heavytool”) and also როდერი in another set (with his big cock too 🙂
You will love it 🙂 It’s all fresh and full of life! 🙂

დააწკაპუნეთ ᲐᲥ ამ ნაკრების სხვა კლიპებისა და ფოტოებისთვის!

Უყურებს YSB უფასო ვიდეო კლიპები 🙂!

25 ნაპოვნია ვიდეოები

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