This clip N°2 of Juliano is free (there is also a free clip N°5).
მისი სხვა კლიპები არიან ᲐᲥ! (ამ სცენის შემდგომი ჩათვლით)
რეგისტრაცია ყველა კლიპის სანახავად ახლა 🙂
This boy is aged 20, I like his “square” სახე, he has a nice body, a rather average cock (16-17სმ) but he is not complicated, and he is ok for many things, as you will see later. He did never do anything with another boy, but I changed that 🙂 Here you can see, for the first time, the flat that I am renting in South America, in order to work with boys (and to live…). Of course it’s not luxury, as I’m broke (like everyone…) but at least it’s much more handy than hotels (and it’s way cheaper) ; there is a lot of space, and good light (for good videos). You may start being familiar with this basic flat from now on, because I did a lot of work there, these last 3 თვეების (თითქმის 20 boys and almost 50 კომპლექტი !). Most of the boys are “average” (like this boy, ჯულიანო), I mean that they are not all breathtaking cuties like most of “my” Arabs, but on the other hand they are just ordinary boys (also known as “neighbour boys”) that I picked in the street, commercial malls, beachs, or like for Juliano, in a bus that was leading us (many young people – and me…) to a beach. The arousing thing is that (unlike the Arab boys, since many of them were more or less looking for tourists and some occasional cash), these boys here aren’t looking for anything, they just do their usual life, and when I come across them to offer them easy cash, they are of course delighted, and rarely search for complications. And also you know that now I can chose any boy anywhere, and if he accepts to do “pics in swimsuits and boxers” ფულისთვის, then I will almost always manage to lead him to where we want… (with my “progressive boxers” own method…), რომელიც, ჩემი აზრით, the highest arousing thing ever : just imagine if you could do that with any str8 boy that you fancy or come across in your everyday life ! Რა თქმა უნდა, you know well how impossible (and dangerous) it is, but with YSB I try to do my best to have you sharing this kind of “impossible” experiences 🙂 I hope you like it ! თუმცა, it’s not always as easy as it looks, even in “poorer” countries, as even here there are maybe only 25% of the boys who will actually show up or call back. This sounds a good figure, but in fact it surprisingly low here, when you know that I pay them in 4 hours what they usually earn in 2 ან 3 weeks ! (for those who are working in factories or whatever – and trust me, these are hard and boring jobs). Maybe they are just too lazy or “fucking unable to do anything”, or maybe they just don’t believe me (this happens sometimes !). Hopefully, not many of them are afraid of appearing on internet (nothing matters a lot here…). I could find also some real beauties (მინიმუმ 4 ან 5 genuine handsome boys, which is not so bad in 3 თვეების). — To understand this set : Once again, there are loads of “progressive underwear”, because I did not know anything about this boy (he was not “a friend of a friend”, unlike Damian, ფრედი, ტირი, TCB, and others). That is also why I barely put my hand on him, to avoid any trouble. But hopefully, he was finally very cool and kind and OK for many things, as you can see in the numerous other sets with him !
დააწკაპუნეთ ᲐᲥ მისი სხვა კლიპებისთვის და მისი ფოტოებისთვის!
Უყურებს YSB უფასო ვიდეო კლიპები 🙂!