Giovanni is a handsome macho straight boy, I could play with his hard dick, I sucked him, and he wanked and ejaculated
He is a quiet but macho and arrogant 18 mina. poiss.
I don’t know much about him ; he was sent by another boy, and he came here for money.
Ta oli väga kiimas (as you can see with the pre-cum on the pictures and in the clips).
Ma suutsin imeda tema väga jäika ja mahlase riista, ja ta ärkas ja vabastas oma koormast
Arhiivid: Videod
Video Description
Teismeliste poiste mängud 2 (TBG2) tasuta videoklipp
Clip N°2 of TeenBoysGames 2 (TBG 2) tasuta.
TBG 2 on 2 tundi “riistafestival” of crazy straight teen boys sex games with 5 kiimas latiino / Mustad poisid
Kamel (Araabia hetero teismeline poiss suure kange riistaga imes) tasuta videoklipp
Kamel on kiimas noor araablane, ilmselgelt hetero, with a big hard cock that I sucked until he came, and who released a nice load of sperm on his belly (5 selle komplekti videoklippe kokku).
Seksikas poiss, päris armas, väga hea riistaga ! Väga kiimas ja erutavad “kukemängud” klippides !
Suht kõva poiss (tema tasuta piltidel, näha armi tema näol, katkise pudeli kuju...) aga lahke minuga.
Väga kiimas poiss, samuti !
Vito (Väga kange riistaga must poiss) tasuta videoklipp
Vito, a Black young guy with a very stiff dick, making big cum shots (klipis 06).
Märkasin seda poissi, kes töötas restoranis kelnerina, Ma arvasin, et tal on ilus nägu, ja jätsin oma kontakti talle.
Üsna harva võtavad poisid minuga tagasi, sest ajad on rasked, inimesed on täis kahtlusi, kuid ta võttis minuga ühendust ja ma tegin talle ettepaneku “töö” […]
Teismeliste poiste mängud 1 (TBG1) tasuta eelvaade videoklipp
See seanss oli suht hull Ja väga naljakas ja loomulik.
Tegelikult, see oli üsna improviseeritud. Mõne poisiga, keda sa juba tunned (“TCB”, tema vend Renaldo, and the two pals Damian and Freddy, ja veel kaks meest, korraldasime minu korteris mingi väikese peo.
Olin just ostnud väikese laservalguse (diskoteegilaadne), ja sellest piisab, mõne joogiga, kuid mitte nii palju. […]
Oscar 3 (Must poiss suure peenikese pika riistaga) tasuta videoklipp
Oscar, a Black straight teen boy with a big long thin cock, fucks my hand in a condom (klipis 05),
ja siis tema “persse” mina (kui olen eritoas “kuradi madrats” (võltsitud kiisuga)) klipis 06.
Tawfik (Araabia sirge poiss) tasuta videoklipp
Sellel mehel on kõige kõvem riist, keda ma kunagi puudutanud olen ! See oli tõesti nagu soe kivi, peaaegu “pole huvitav” sest seda oli raske vajutada (seda tunda). Uskumatu… Kui tal oli raske, oli ka võimalik “riputama” asjad tema riistale, nagu küüntel… Esimesel seansil, kui ta seisab vannis, Küsin temalt ettenägelikult, kas tohin teda imeda, […]
TCB9 (Renaldo) (Latino sirge suure riistaga poiss) tasuta videoklipp
Renaldo is the little brother of my friend “TCB”. Esimest korda nägin teda, at their house, ma mõtlesin “vau, this guy is cute!”, but I did not dare to propose him anything, because it could have been quite embarrassing. But after several months, given that he finally knew very well what his brother was doing with me, and what was going on in the flat, I finally approached him about the “töö”, and he was not against the idea. […]
Jairo ja Roder 2 (Latino ja mustade poiste 2. hardcore seksiseanss) tasuta videoklipp
In this second “hardcore” session with them, I asked them to do like in a real porn movie, and all is in good HD quality.
— In the 1st clip, they pretend to meet like young people who don’t really know each other, and to do some sport in the apartment. Then Jairo makes a sort of massage to Roder and little by little he comes to his dick. […]
Jairo ja Roder (Latino ja mustade poiste hardcore seksiseanss) tasuta videoklipp
See seanss on “loogiline” seansi jätk “Jairo ja Juliano 2”. Siin on rohkem “metsik”, sest Roder tundub olevat juba harjunud teisi poisse keppima. Esiteks, nad teesklevad, et nad on otsekohesed sõbrad, kes vaatavad pornoklippe. Siis nad kargavad voodis, siis nad teevad palju muid asju, seda oleks liiga pikk seletada, aga see on päris naljakas, nad mängivad koos, […]
Juunior ja Arturo (Latino ja mustade heteropoiste seksuaalsed eksperimendid) tasuta videoklipp
Leidsin need kaks toredat poissi väikesel rannareisil. There were plenty of people, and by luck I found the cutest ones (ilmselt) and I managed to motivate them enough to call me back later. This is during this trip that I met also Juliano and Beltran, who were in the bus on our way back to the city. […]
TCB7 (koos Roldaniga) (Latino heterod suurte riistadega poisid) tasuta videoklipp
This set is very lengthy (more than one hour), and of course in such a long time not all is “arousing”, but I just wanted to share with you the (rather) “normal life” of these two boys.
Selles komplektis, they will wank at watching female porn movies, they will compare their dicks (both 19 cm long, […]
Malik (Araabia sirge poiss suure kõva riistaga) tasuta videoklipp
Malik is a 21 yo Arabian hetero boy, very horny, you have to see what he does with his STIFF “spring” cock in the clip 1 ! And of course he wanks and cums, nagu tavaliselt. […]
Walfeny (Latino poiss) tasuta videoklipp
I noticed this cute young man sitting always at the same place in town, near my block, almost every night. Then I sat near him. He was there for the wifi of a nearby spot (ice-cream shop), for his smartphone. I talked about “pilte”. Little by little, I mentioned “swimsuits” ja siis “boxers” ja siis “seksikad poksijad” (like I usually do since a few years). […]
Roldan 2 (Latino sirge suure pika riistaga poiss) tasuta videoklipp
In this 2nd session: 01/ Trying a sexy boxer and watching female porn clip (dick rising) ; 02/ Trying other sexy boxers, then nude, playing with his hard dick ; 03/ Sucking his dick ; 04/ Fucking transparent doll ; 05/ Fucking transparent doll, masturbating him until he cums (nice shots)
Tyree 2 (Must sirge suure riistaga poiss) tasuta videoklipp
Second session with Tyree. He is a nice black boy with a very big heavy tool
And he is very kind too.
This time he already knew what the “töö” was about, so all was cool.
But at some point he was confused and hesitating, because I asked him if I could suck his dick… Tegelikult, it’s not a good question to ask to a straight boy : […]