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14 條目.
透明充氣娃娃 寫在 四月 14, 2024
你影片裡的透明充氣娃娃哪裡買的? 我也想要那個.
管理員回覆者: YSB 管理員
Hello and thanks, the problem is that it's very hard to find nowadays, myself I want to buy a new one and have to repair the one that you see with glue and patches because the boys break it often.
But you can try Ali Exp., that's probably where I found it, years ago.
Good luck.
Please com back here to infor if you find a shop! 🙂
姓名 寫在 十二月 14, 2023

管理員回覆者: YSB 管理員
非常感謝您讓我們知道您非常喜歡我們的網站 YSB 🙂

(非常感謝, 他們告訴我們什麼, 您真的很喜歡我們的 YSB 網站:) )
海灣國家外籍人士 寫在 六月 4, 2023
我必須承認, right now I'm unfortunately not subscribing to your glorious site since I have temporarily moved to a very strict Gulf State (是因為, I'm using a VPN). 我一搬回歐洲, I'll subscribe again though. 我保證!

反正, 我注意到一些炙手可熱的拉丁裔, 例如基南和雷南, 很容易變硬. 有沒有可能展示他們的雞巴是如何在沒有手或嘴的幫助下從軟變硬的??

此外, 任何機會你都可以考慮讓男孩們也射在你手淫時使用的那些厚護套裡? 在他們的第一次拍攝中, 他們當然應該在空中射精, 但部分 2 管他呢, 作為變體, 你也許有時可以指示他們把果汁噴在裡面 "避孕套", 然後將它們取下並將它們靠近相機,顯示收集在透明護套內的精液? 恕我直言, 那將是muy caliente!

我的結論, 您的網站應該獲得比 (我的印像是) 它有. 如果你有時間, 增加成員數量的一種方法可能是, 我猜, 通過使用簡短的預告 GIF 在 Twitter 上更積極地推廣網站, which don't reveal too much, 讓觀眾渴望更多. 至少, 我很樂意在 Twitter 上轉發此類內容. 如果你想保護模型' 隱私, 你總是可以, 像其他一些創作者一樣, 像素化面部並提及只有訂閱者才能看到未經審查的男孩.
管理員回覆者: YSB 管理員
你好,謝謝你所做的一切 🙂

- 關於展示他們的雞巴如何在沒有任何手或嘴幫助的情況下從軟到硬的轉變的想法, it's very exciting for sure, 事實上我每次能做到的時候都會這樣做, but it's not so often.
In fact it's not so easy as it seems, 因為當男孩們開始和我一起做這些事時, 他們一般不願意.
They can accept to show their dick it's hard, but not when it's soft, 他們感到羞恥.
我只能在之後嘗試這樣做 2 或者 3 sessions when they feel confident and they don't care about anything, 包括用小錄音 (柔軟的) 迪克.
但和一些男孩子, it's really difficult to do, 因為他們的雞雞總是硬的 (或多或少) 在會議期間.
與雷南, I've done many sessions with him and there is at least one scene like that, 但這仍然不是我們真正的意思, 因為我沒有設法讓他擁有最小的尺寸. (即使用冷水, 這沒什麼幫助, 因為這個男孩非常好色。)
與基南, 他的雞巴從一開始就非常堅硬。. 有 2 與他會面, and I can't remember if there is a scene like what you say.
BUT I've noted (今天) 在我的 "程序" 嘗試在開始時做到這一點 "部分" 在第一次射精場景之後, IE. 就在他媽的白色彈性護套之前. 但這會在很長一段時間後在這裡可見 (至少 6 月), 因為有很多視頻 "在隊列中" (已經記錄了, 我必須加強 / 穩定 / 編輯等).

- 關於戴保險套射精... I don't know...
I don't understand the point...
In general I'm rarely satisfied by the cumshots, 我總是嘗試把它們重做得更好 (具有更長的流, 拍攝角度更好...).
現在我付給他們額外的現金, 根據精液掉落的距離...
另一件事是我必須盡量避免賺得超過 3 與同一個男孩的會話, because it's expensive, 對於某些會員來說可能會很無聊....

- 網站確實值得推廣, 但我從來沒有找到怎麼做.
有一個推特帳戶 (https://twitter.com/YStraightBoys) 但我沒有找到它有什麼幫助. 我在 Twitter 上搜尋了類似的東西,但只有非常同性戀或毛茸茸的東西, I don't know what to do with these things, 和喜歡那樣的人, they don't like my site, 他們認為 "什麼也沒發生" 在剪輯中. 如果沒有 "肛門", 大多數人根本不感興趣.
製作 GIF 時遇到同樣的問題... 我會在 GIF 中放入什麼 ? I think that what I do is exciting because it's "真的" 並且非常進步和微妙. 沒有 "粗魯的動作" 適合 GIF, 除了一些射精場景, 但誰在乎, 現在的人很無聊, 他們已經看到了具有非常強烈和快速動作的 GIF, 男孩像噴泉一樣射精.
非常感謝您願意為您的 Twitter 帳戶提供協助, 這肯定會有用. 然而, I don't want to publish the recent boys on Twitter or other places, 因為這增加了他們的風險 (圖像登陸他們的朋友和家人的地方).
是的,我可以對臉部進行像素化或模糊處理, 我有時已經在預覽頁面中這樣做了.
但即使我這樣做, 如果我找到其中一個片段 "應得的" 一個動圖, 那麼無論如何, 在 Twitter 上該怎麼辦, 如何讓它惠及很多人 ?...

是的,我想要更多促銷 是的. 我的內容不錯, 我知道. 也許有 100 倍的人喜歡它, 但誰沒有機會找到它. But really I don'tfind how to do it. 我嘗試了各種事情.
過去這很容易. 我的網站位於第一頁 (或第二) 谷歌的
為了 "青少年男孩". 但如今一切都非常複雜.

I'm good at what I do: 找到那些男孩, 讓他們做我們知道的事, 哪個 "通常情況下" 是不可能的. 但對於其他事情 (晉升, 商業), it's not my thing, I've always been bad for that.
和, 最後但並非最不重要的, 有時候我在想... It seems that me and most people we are on different planets. Because almost ALL the "男孩們" content that I see on internet, each time I see that, I wonder how can people watch that, 和, 更糟, pay for that. I find it horrible, 除此之外, completely "偽造的", illusions. 所以, sometime I think that maybe most people prefer "nice illusions" (even in sex sites) instead of real things. This theory would explain why most people don't see the point in what I do.
反正, even if we consider that 99% of the users (為了 "男孩們") are like that, 出色地, 這 1% remaining is certainly more that enough for my site, but how to reach them, that's the problem.
I made many improvements of the site, but it's not enough.
I cannot pay SEO companies because they would ask much more than the site revenue, and the little ones are just crap, you pay them but their work is bullshit, they just place links in things without any relation with nude straight boys, or they spam etc.

But if someone can help, yes I would like....................

瑞典 寫在 十一月 13, 2022
作為 YSB 訂閱者休息後, I'm now back again and I have to say that an already amazing website has improved a lot during the last months. Webmaster's move to a new Latin American country has obviously done wonders to YSB. 我是說, 這麼多新的辣妹! I'm especially fond of Lorenzo and Renan. 僅這兩個拉丁美洲人就值得訂閱費. 我也喜歡你開始拍攝男孩們在公共海灘試穿性感泳裝的事實. It's such a turn on to know that we, 不像附近的海灘遊客, later get to see what's hiding under the bulging pants. 另一個重大改進是您現在包括字幕以及提供比以前更高分辨率的視頻剪輯. 保持良好的工作!

然而,我對新的巨大水印不太滿意, 我有時覺得有點打擾. Don't get me wrong, I definitely understand that piracy is a problem for websites like yours and I'm aware that some respectless thieves try to edit out watermarks so that they can repost other people's stuff as their own. I'm therefore more than OK with watermarks. 但讓我困擾的是,水印有時會非常短暫地部分遮擋有趣的東西,比如內衣凸起, 生殖器和毛巾下的鏡頭. 所以,請, 請, 編輯視頻時請記住這一點. =)
管理員回覆者: YSB 管理員
你好, I'm really sorry for the delay, I had some urgent work to finish for YSB, and also a sponsored session to deliver.
I'm very happy to read what you wrote, and I think it sums up nicely the changes to the site.
I'm glad to see you've noticed them, which probably means that other members have noticed them too.

是的, as you have noted, in addition to some "technical" improvements, there are also a number of new, young, 苗條的, handsome, 很直, Latino or Black guys with big, juicy cocks! 🙂 All that we like 🙂
And yes, I also like Allan and Lorenzo a lot, because they have a very nice body and because they make real "sperm fireworks" ! 🙂 (With Allan, the first time, I was even shocked when he sprayed the wall behind him :-).

Indeed the subtitles are another improvement, and I can tell you that it takes time to do and it's tedious, but I find it's much better for the viewers when they understand what's being said! 🙂

Regarding the videos, yes now I do everything in 1280x720 (高清) or 1920x1080 (FullHD), however it will take time.
It's an improvement that's only starting now, I intend to "uspscale" most of the old videos, but also to stabilize them, and that REALLY takes a lot of time ! (Maybe it will take two or three years to process the old videos, and at the moment, since August, I haven't even found the time to do that, as the computers are running (and heating) a lot all the time for the new clips).

Concerning the question of the watermarks, I think you're talking about the ones we can currently see for Gabriel, 仁南, 艾倫, Lorenzo...
These watermarks have an opacity of 15% for black and 10% for white.
Since a few months, I've reduced this to 10% 和 5%, but this doesn't apply to clips already made, but only to future clips.
These are the clips where the subtitles do not have a grey background behind them.
I don't know if I'll ever have time to redo the 10 和 15% clips again, but if I ever do, it won't happen before two or three years, simply because there are only 24 hours in the day and it all takes a long time to process.
But at least you should know that little by little the new clips will have much more discreet watermarks.
I've tried to make it even more transparent, but it's no good because you can't even read it anymore.
As you have understood, there is a real problem with piracy, I sometimes see some of my clips where the bandits have removed my watermarks with a software, and when I think about all the efforts and money it costs me to make these very difficult little productions (和 "normally impossible" 男孩們!), it makes me sick, literally. Sick to my stomach, physically.
So unfortunately the watermarks will always be rather visible, otherwise they are useless.
But there's a trick: just don't focus on it, and then it's much less annoying. It's true that sometimes it falls "in the wrong place", but that's not often.

So that's all I wanted to say to you for the last few days! 🙂

Thank you very much for these appreciations, which encourage me in this work which becomes almost every month more difficult.

Thank you for your loyalty!

不好笑 寫在 九月 28, 2022
管理員回覆者: YSB 管理員
你好, thanks a lot, I'm very glad to read that! 😃
弗雷德里克 寫在 六月 14, 2022
感謝 YSB !!!


真正的角質傢伙, 自然, 新的, 和超級性感. 今天看了很多,我的雞巴因為一直抽搐而疼痛....... 當你觸摸他們的雞巴時,我想你的手會是我的手. 公雞和球的細節鏡頭也很棒. 謝謝謝謝.

我特別研究了非常廣泛的Akim系列, 一個超級可愛的小男孩,有一張可以愛上的臉, 一個偉大的身體和一個偉大的公雞.
他立刻讓我興奮, 所以我可以用他的照片手淫很長時間 (有休息,以免過早射精) - 華麗的圖片! 非常角質的還有牛仔褲配運動鞋的照片,讓我更熱. 他新鮮的白色精子是一種真正的樂趣. 好吃 !!!
然後我和你係列中的更多人一起玩, 太角質了.

但是我非常高興並且已經再次僵硬的公雞 ....

完全 cummed 上 Fredrik
管理員回覆者: YSB 管理員
Hello Fredrik, thanks a lot for your message 🙂
Yes I see 🙂

Yes Akim is very very good :-).

And yes I know that many of my sets are very arousing 🙂
That is because all is really genuine, unstaged, not faked, so in general the boys are "discovering" 某物, it's a new experience for them and I try to show it.
I try to get (and provide) boys who would never accept to do anything with another boy (or man). 這 "paid photos sessions" are the "詭計".
Most of these boys are just "normal boys" that I find in the street, or in public transports, or who work in shops and so on.
They were not looking for anything like that, they did not reply to a classified ad, they don't want to be "models", nothing like that.
I just "take them in their normal life", and I try to bring them to you, and to show the best of them (or at least, of their bodies).
For the recent boys (sessions with many boxers and underwear), they do not expect that they would finally get their dick hard, and even less that they would end up ejaculating. (If I give all those details before, they will be afraid and they will refuse, and also it won't be arousing, there won't be any "surprises".)
That is what is arousing 🙂 You spot a nice guy in the street and you manage to have him naked and to masturbate him, and sometimes to suck his cock (這是, 實際上, just a matter of patience).
These things never happen in real life, isn't it ? Those boys would totally ignore you (or me), usually, and would reject anything looking more or less like "同性戀", even for money. But I make it happen, it's like magic :-).

And indeed I think that the viewers can easily imagine that my hand in the video is their own hand fondling the boys, like you explained :-). I'm glad that you confirmed that.

When I see other boys sites, I find them completely boring.
Hairy boys, 25-35 我。, very muscular (it seems mandatory...), not handsome (for my tastes), and they just seem to follow a script, there is no emotion, 這是 "mechanical".
They always know from the beginning what will happen.
There is no beauty, 不 "冒險", no freshness, 沒有什麼 (在我看來). I just can't see the point.
And anyway there are very few sites with real straight boys.
Or at least I don't know many.

Thank you very much, Fredrik 🙂
哈維爾 寫在 四月 6, 2022

我喜歡這個網站,雖然我已經知道很長時間了, 見到他我從不厭倦,他有一種別人沒有的自發性.

特別喜歡阿拉伯男孩的角色, 我不認為有另一個像它, 例如,我真的很喜歡 Akim 的系列. 你有沒有想過繼續阿拉伯男孩的新篇章? 或者現在包含更多的 Bilal 系列,因為它會更大?

管理員回覆者: YSB 管理員
你好, ¡muchas gracias por su comentario y por su fidelidad durante los últimos DOCE años!
Y perdón por el retraso.

, mi trabajo es sincero y "auténtico", y por eso trato de encontrar chicos lo más "naturales" posible.
A menudo no les digo exactamente lo que vamos a hacer durante una sesión: esto permite leer la emoción en sus caras, y también emocionarse cuando les toco en los calzoncillos (lo que ocurre frecuentemente).

En cuanto a los "chicos árabes", siento decepcionarte pero no pienso hacer nuevas sesiones porque ya no vivo en esos países y sobre todo porque es demasiado peligroso...
En cuanto a Akim, hay 6 套 "en solo" en YSB y 1 set con una chica, que se puede encontrar aquí : https://youngstraightboys.com/pages/eng/members_satellitenewsTEMP2010.htm
Y respecto a Bilal, hay dos sets en YSB ("比拉爾" y "Kyan and Bilal") pero hay muchos otros en 斷續器, además de todos los que puedes encontrar aquí : https://youngstraightboys.com/pages/eng/members_satellitenewsTEMP2010.htm
¡Eso es mucho! No pude hacer más, porque me quedé sin ideas...
No habrá más con estos dos chicos, eso es cierto.

Todavía tengo una serie de sets "árabes" para volver a publicar en el Área de Miembros, pero son sets que estaban en el sitio antes de 2013 y que probablemente ya conoces.

Lo siento y te comprendo porque estos "chicos árabes" son lo que más diferencia a mis sitios de los demás (junto con -como has dicho- la espontaneidad), pero con la evolución de los tiempos, realmente se estaba volviendo demasiado peligroso.

Pero espero que los nuevos chicos "拉丁裔" y "Blacks" que comienzan a aparecer en el sitio te satisfagan igualmente.

Saludos 🙂
馬丁 寫在 十二月 27, 2021
Really loved the Vito Series

Thank you for great content !
管理員回覆者: YSB 管理員
Hello Martin, you're welcome 🙂

FYI there won't be more content with Vito (I lost contact with him), but there will be new boys that you should like too 🙂

In the future "brand new" sets to come, some are "平均的" (which may please or not, depending on tastes), but there will be some sets with very good boys (在我看來), starting at the end of January: 加布里埃爾, 拉斐爾, 艾倫, 克萊森, Lorenzo...
(They are not yet appearing in the "future updates" because I still have to process their content. All this takes time...)

I wish you a good end of year and a good year 2022 🙂
古一 寫在 十二月 15, 2021

TBG 2 到目前為止很熱. 絕對喜歡TCB, 弗雷迪, 達米安和雷納爾多. I really love that the guys don't seem to mind touching each other. Also I have missed Tyree's huge horse dick and big balls. 哈哈,我不得不承認他是我的最愛之一. Tyree 在這個系列賽之後會有更多的事情發生嗎?還是來自他??

我還想說我喜歡 LatinoBoy1. 完美的雞巴!

Thanks Again
管理員回覆者: YSB 管理員
你好, thanks a lot! 😄

是的, the set TBG 2 is very hot!

About Tyree, 不, 對不起, it is his 3rd and latest appearance...

With those boys of the big white flat that you know, there are still 5 sets that I have to "process" (video editing etc.) and to put in the schedule (not necessarily in that order):
- TBG 3 (3 男孩們: TCB, 羅德, 奧斯卡 - 只要 "good stuff"! :-))
- TBG 4 (3 男孩們: 初級, 奧斯瓦爾多, 拿但內爾 - I definitely love Junior and Osvaldo, but Natanael is not bad neither :-))
- Jairo-and-Beltran (Beltran fucking Jairo)
- 奧斯瓦爾多 2 (I can't say enough how much I love him!)
- Osvaldo-and-Natanael (this will be the last released set for those "boys of the big white flat", and here Natanael almost fucks his friend Osvaldo in the ass! (there are like 3 或者 4 centimeters entering...) - I put it at the end because in my opinion this set is uber-hot.
在那之後, I left the country. I planned to come back but life made that I never made it, and now it's over, they are older, and anyway there are other new faces now currently being released on the site (as you know), and they are good too! (not all are *very* good, but most of them).
一個 lot of stuff has been made in this big apartment! 🙂 Good times 🙂

Thank you for your appreciations and encouragements 🙂

P.S. 和 "LatinoBoy1" is delicious and lovely too, 當然. I hope that the slight blurring effect on his face allows to guess that he is cute.
瑞典 寫在 十一月 1, 2021
I've been a member on and off for years and I really appreciate that the videos feel so unstaged, 有真實的背景聲音,沒有過多的編輯. 我也喜歡他們包括穿著性感內衣的熱辣拉丁美洲小伙子的事實, 免提勃起並在相機附近展示他們的精液. 我最喜歡的模特是 Damian 和 Renaldo.

自從看了TBG 1 很久以前, I've been eagerly waiting for the follow ups. 因此我有一個問題: 你什麼時候上傳TBG 2-4?
管理員回覆者: YSB 管理員
你好, first of all, thanks a lot for using the Guestbook, because maybe that will encourage other users to write their comments as well.

I'm very glad to read what you explain, and I understand you completely, 當然.

About the "unstaged" video recordings, yes that is right, however I noticed that the videos are very "shaky" 有時, and in the future recordings I will try to pay more attention about how I hold the camera.

Yes me too I love 達米安. 和 雷納爾多 is very nice too. 和 初級. And many others! 🙂
(奧斯瓦爾多 is like a dream, 還 :-))

You will be happy to know that I am currently working on the video clips of "TBG 2" (少年男孩遊戲 2), some raw material which has never been edited nor published, and I can even tell you the date of publication of the first "部分" (or clip) : November 23th.
So you see, it's not far! 🙂

I don't know how many clips there will be (probably at least 5 - 也許 10!).
有 2 小時和 23 mn of rushes. But of course I will do some cuts.
TBG 1 非常即興. TBG 2, 3 和 4 are on the contrary very organized, but they are still "新鮮的" and with lots of fun and life and laughs (和性) 🙂

在 TBG 2 you will see the same boys as in TBG 1 (所以, including Damian and Renaldo that we like), plus Tyree with his big dick 🙂

I see that they are even wearing the same underwear as in TBG 1, hence I think that I wanted to do an "improved" 會議, because there were various little problems with TBG 1 (like a lack of light at first, and the presence of a boy who finally made problems and that I had to take ages to blur in the clips).
And this time I asked them to do many crazy things 🙂 (I even bought some little games and accessories.)
So you will love it for sure 🙂

There will be only 4 TBG 會議, of course it would have been better to do more, but life is like that. I was quite lucky to be able to make this, after living for months in that flat and the neighborhood, with those boys who were easy-going. It's not so easy in most countries, because of gossip and so many other problems and risks.
As of today, I have no plans to do more TBG, but who knows, maybe if in the future I land in a country where it's possible again, of course I will do it. But not in the 5-10 years to come, 我認為.

所以, enjoy these TBG 會話. (點擊) They are pure life and youth! 🙂

After TBG 2, on the same day of the week (Tuesday), I plan to release, 按這個順序:
Osvaldo2, TBG 3, Jairo-and-Beltran, TBG 4. And finally, Junior-and-Osvaldo, which should be the last published set with those boys (你知道的, in the big white apartment), and which will bring us to summer of next year maybe.

And of course there are many other new faces, that I started to release (喜歡 托馬斯, 維托, 很快 布倫諾, 加布里埃爾...) but it's not possible to make such "games" 跟他們, because in general they are afraid of gossip and so on. 但, as I said, if I come across an opportunity (even with only 2 男孩們), I will do it. It's also a matter of money. "有錢能使鬼推磨", 像他們說的那樣, but for now the site is still not generating enough money to think about amounts that the boys cannot refuse.

Thanks again, don't hesitate to write! 🙂

P.S.: 哦, 並且, it's not that they "show their precum close to the camera", it is that it's me who go closer so that we can't miss a drop! 🙂
古老的 寫在 十月 27, 2021
Vito 和 Tomas 都有這麼漂亮的雞巴. 這就是為什麼我真的很喜歡這個網站. 這些傢伙真的很熱,第一次體驗更熱. 有這麼多不同的人可以看到. I have been a member for a while and I still haven't seen them all plus new guys are being added frequently 🙂
管理員回覆者: YSB 管理員
你好, thanks a lot 🙂
I'm trying to improve things!
羅尼 寫在 十月 26, 2021

速記. 終於看到維託了 6 天氣很熱. 他忍不住射的事實是最好的,還有一個剪輯要走. 看到這就是為什麼更多需要加入這個網站. 我喜歡這些經歷是非常真實的,這對他來說是第一次如此火爆. 無論如何只是想讓你再次知道很棒的工作. 👏🏾
管理員回覆者: YSB 管理員
你好, thanks so much, it's always good to read your messages 🙂

Yes and he made big cum shots 🙂
The clip 7 has some cum shots also, but much less, 當然.

I'm preparing the next Black boy (布倫諾), he is very good too (much better than Vito in my opinion, because he is much more "艱難的"). And he has a big tool 🙂


Btw. and there is another Black boy coming after Brenno (after a few months maybe), 加布里埃爾, who is perfect 🙂
羅尼 寫在 十月 17, 2021
現在網站上有這麼多新內容,而且仍然會出現在網站上. 我真的很喜歡原創內容. 這在其他任何地方都看不到,而且這些傢伙很熱. 對於他們中的許多人來說,這是他們的第一次,這使得它更加熱!
管理員回覆者: YSB 管理員
Hello Ronnie, thanks a lot! 🙂
是的, that's right...
I hope that more str8-boy-lovers will manage to find my site!
I'm currently working on new content with brand new boys (handsome and with big dicks) :
- 布倫諾 (黑色的, 3 套)
- 加布里埃爾 (黑色的, 4 套, really sweet)
- "LatinoBoy1"
(and more)
I'm sure you will like them!
Thanks again 🙂
約翰 寫在 九月 12, 2021
你好, I'm glad that you are reviving the site! 並添加新面孔🙂跟上好工作🙂
管理員回覆者: YSB 管理員
謝謝! 🙂


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