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Wesley is an athletic heterosexual Black boy with a VERY BIG COCK (22 центиметар / 9 инча).
Био је веома узбуђен, курац му је био тврд и цурио (пре-лике) све време 🙂
могао бих suck him, и I wanked him until he came 🙂
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Ово је само почетак!
Погледајте његове остале слике
и његове видео снимке без цензуре,
with sucking his huge cock and
wanking him until cumming 🙂
(бесплатан приступ сличицама у области за чланове)
Овде можете погледајте унутрашњост правог подручја за чланове за овог дечака: |
Можете кликните изнад да бисте видели сличице фотографија и видео записа (у новом прозору). Пробајте! (чак и ако нисте члан) И онда, упис да видите све 🙂 |
The first thing you need to know about Wesley is: he REALLY has a BIG DICK! 🙂 And it’s juicy too 🙂
I met this boy by chance in a cheap restaurant, where he was eating, alone, during a break from his job.
After I got in touch with him, in the days and weeks that followed, I hesitated because I thought he wasn’t as handsome as the other current boys.
So I was okay with doing a job, but only if he had a big cock.
But I couldn’t explain that to him so openly, so as not to shock him.
Тако, мало по мало, I asked him if he could send me a picture or two of him in his boxers.
But he said he didn’t have boxers, which I couldn’t believe.
But in fact it was true, and I asked him to buy one.
He took a few pictures, but they were not very convincing, because he had no hard-on.
I finally asked him how big his cock was, explaining that it was important for my work, и рекао је “I have 23-24 центиметар”, which I didn’t believe.
He then sent me pictures of his cock, several times (he is very calm and patient), but it was not that big. He explained to me that he couldn’t motivate himself to get a full hard-on.
У закључку, I thought he had a “стандардне” size cock (for a black boy), О томе 16-17 центиметар (то је, what I had seen in the pictures he sent me).
But I still decided to “give him a chance” and do a session. And I have to say that after seeing the pictures of his cock, even if it was normal size, it was still mouth-watering 🙂
And I didn’t regret my decision! 🙂
Током седнице, he started to get hard very quickly, and then I understood that he has a horse dick! 🙂
I don’t know how he could measure 23-24 центиметар (вероватно “from underneath”), but when I measured at the beginning I found 20 центиметар, then after sucking his cock well, I measured again and there I found 21-22 центиметар! -)
You’ll see it all in the pictures and videos 🙂
Осим тога, he has a nice straight cock. И био је “влажење” (his cock was producing little drops) quite often! 🙂
He’s a very calm and quiet boy (he does martial arts), but the session was very hot! As you will see.
As he was very aroused and had a hard-on like a horse, I didn’t wait very long to suck his cock! I don’t think it was even a question: a cock like that is made to be sucked, and that’s all it wants 🙂
I’m not going to give all the details of the session here because it’s quite long (1h 44mn videos)…
На крају, I “помузео” него (jacked him off until he came). He squirted, enough, and I found that the first shot (quite big and dense) was really “занимљиво”, especially in slow motion 🙂
What more can I say? I often wondered if he was gay (or bi), but I think his (unfeigned) arousal while watching the porn videos proves that he is really attracted to women.
A month later, I had a second session with him, which went very well, but he wasn’t too keen on me focusing on his ass. Apparently it wasn’t faked either.
And I also offered to do a “duo session” (for example with Renan), but he didn’t want to (so far as I write), explaining that he didn’t want another boy to slide his cock between his thighs and buttocks.
После свега, just because he has big lips, it doesn’t automatically mean he would be “a cocksucker”, that would be a silly idea…
Besides having a good big cock, he has a harmonious body, and he is a nice and uncomplicated boy, who often accepted what I offered him (with some limits).
If (like many) you like BIG dicks, you won’t be disappointed 🙂
Погледајте његове остале слике
и његове видео снимке без цензуре!
(бесплатан приступ сличицама у области за чланове)
Нецензурисано видео исечци и фотографије овог дечака резервисано за чланове ИСБ укључити голи секс, мастурбација и ејакулација 🙂
И тако је и за скоро све остале дечаке у Oblast članova, иначе (у неким ретким случајевима), јасно је назначено у називима скупова, које можете проверити у списак свих комплета на мрежи пре претплате.
Још није члан ?
1/ Видите списак видео снимака и фотографија за овог дечака! (Можете кликнути на сличице следеће странице.)
2/ Vidim која видео клипове и фотографије тренутно су на мрежи за све дечаке!
3/ Придружити (тј. претплатити се) бити члан! (Одмах ћете приступити – осим ако плаћате биткоинима – сви видео клипови и фотографије који су тренутно на мрежи, у великој величини, и са нецензурисаним сексом.)
4/ Приступите свом чланском подручју (ажуриран са једним клипом сваки дан) како бисте уживали у садржају када желите! (Никада немојте делити свој приступ нити постављати видео снимке или фотографије било где, је важно.)
5/ Питања или сумње ? –> Молимо погледајте PODRŠKU страна (где нам можете послати е-пошту). (Такође можете користити Књига гостију да пошаљете поруку, или да читате коментаре других корисника.)
Хвала вам пуно на вашој претплати омогућавајући нам да платимо за још нових дечака 🙂
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