Lorenzo, gražus liesas Latino, tiesus paauglys su puikiu dideliu gaidžiu ir daugybe spermos

Lorenzo is a handsome and very slim str8 Latino teenboy, tiesiog 18 aš.,
švieži ir “nekaltas”, and he has a nice big straight cock, pilna sulčių !

Jūs tiesiog negalite to praleisti “tobulas berniukas”! Jis turi viską 🙂
Look at the pictures below, ir tada JOIN to enjoy his corresponding video clips!
Peršokti į pilnas aprašymas netoli šio puslapio pabaigos (= daugiau informacijos apie šį berniuką ir šį rinkinį)

Štai keletas šio rinkinio nuotraukų (Kartais iš dalies / Šiek tiek cenzūruotas).
(Žr. visų šio berniuko dalių ar klipų sąrašas.)

The neryškus poveikis Ant veido ir tatuiruočių
yra tik šioms nemokamoms peržiūros nuotraukoms,
Ne dėl nuotraukų (ir vaizdo įrašai) ir vaizdo įrašai.

Peržiūrėkite kitas jo nuotraukas ir vaizdo klipus necenzūruotus!
(nemokama prieiga prie miniatiūrų narių srityje)

The neryškus poveikis Ant veido ir tatuiruočių
yra tik šioms nemokamoms peržiūros nuotraukoms,
Ne dėl nuotraukų (ir vaizdo įrašai) ir vaizdo įrašai.

Peržiūrėkite kitas jo nuotraukas ir vaizdo klipus necenzūruotus!
(nemokama prieiga prie miniatiūrų narių srityje)

Prisijunk 🙂

The neryškus poveikis Ant veido ir tatuiruočių
yra tik šioms nemokamoms peržiūros nuotraukoms,
Ne dėl nuotraukų (ir vaizdo įrašai) ir vaizdo įrašai.

Peržiūrėkite kitas jo nuotraukas ir vaizdo klipus necenzūruotus!
(nemokama prieiga prie miniatiūrų narių srityje)

Prisijunk 🙂

The neryškus poveikis Ant veido ir tatuiruočių
yra tik šioms nemokamoms peržiūros nuotraukoms,
Ne dėl nuotraukų (ir vaizdo įrašai) ir vaizdo įrašai.

Peržiūrėkite kitas jo nuotraukas ir vaizdo klipus necenzūruotus!
(nemokama prieiga prie miniatiūrų narių srityje)

Prisijunk 🙂

The neryškus poveikis Ant veido ir tatuiruočių
yra tik šioms nemokamoms peržiūros nuotraukoms,
Ne dėl nuotraukų (ir vaizdo įrašai) ir vaizdo įrašai.

Peržiūrėkite kitas jo nuotraukas ir vaizdo klipus necenzūruotus!
(nemokama prieiga prie miniatiūrų narių srityje)

Prisijunk 🙂

Peržiūrėkite kitas jo nuotraukas ir vaizdo klipus necenzūruotus!

Peržiūrėkite kitas jo nuotraukas ir vaizdo klipus necenzūruotus!

Prisijunk 🙂

Prisijunk 🙂

Žiūrėkite kitas jo nuotraukas
ir jo vaizdo klipai

Žiūrėkite kitas jo nuotraukas
ir jo vaizdo klipai

(nemokama prieiga prie miniatiūrų narių srityje)


Prisijunk 🙂


Boys and sets are all different, and they are more or less “Gerai”: sometimes you may be disappointed by the “seksualinis” content of a boy, ir “c’est la vie”, these things can happen.

But NOT with Lorenzo! 🙂
I guarantee you 100% that if you like his “minkštas” paveikslėlius, you really won’t be disappointed by his sex pictures and videos! It’s not possible.

This boy has a big, tiesiai, kietas gaidys! 🙂 And beautiful, Mano nuomone, really perfect 🙂
Ir pabaigoje, the sperm streams, are really very good ! 🙂 (It goes far and lasts long :-))
You’ll really love his clips ! I’m not writing this for all boys, but here there is no doubt.

To avoid reducing the pleasure of the discovery, I won’t give too many details about this session, so you’ll appreciate it better, by watching the videos.

Taip pat, for the first time, I have put some subtitles in English in the videos, which is much more convenient to understand what I say, rather than reading separate explanations (čia, viduje “apibūdinimas”).
I didn’t translate the things I thought were easy to understand, t.y. when I ask for something and the boy does what I ask.

Here are some useful information to better understand this set:

I saw this boy by chance in the street, I was walking quite fast with Gabriel, after doing a session, and in 2 seconds I spotted this boy waiting for something, standing against a tree. My first thought wasOh, very handsome, but probably too young: too bad…”. But I asked Gabriel to go and ask him his age. Ir, laimei, he had just turned 18, apie 2 weeks earlier.
He even immediately showed me his identity card.
That was in November, and we did this session with him in December.

But as he was very young, and as you can see he is quite shy, he had several doubts.
So in order not tolosesuch a wonderful opportunity, I promised him that I wouldn’t touch him.
And that’s why, in this set, I don’t touch his cock, except very briefly, twice I think.
Bet nesijaudinkite, because even without that you’ll love these videos (and even the pictures), and moreover, I had the chance to do a second session with him, one month later, and there I touched him a lot, and even more than that ! 🙂

But this promise was not enough. So I had the idea to propose him to do the session with Gabriel in the bedroom (lying down and hidden on the upper bed), so that he wouldn’t be alone with me. And I think that’s why he accepted.
It’s the first time I’ve done this, and it has cost me more money, and it was a bit complicated, because we never knew if Gabriel was sleeping or not.
(Gabriel was told to betransparent”, but sometimes you can hear him coughing, and also at the beginning his phone rang and that irritated me).
That’s why with Lorenzo I speak very low, and I don’t sayyour cock” bet “kad”.
Iš tikrųjų, one must always be very careful with the boysfeeling of “gėda”, t.y. Lorenzo must not start to wonder if Gabriel (lying right above us) was listening, or what he was thinking, otherwise it would have obviously hindered the necessary “susijaudinimas”.

– Šioje sesijoje, we notice that Lorenzo almost always has his mouth open, and we can wonder why, we can find that it makes him look a bitdumb”… But no, it’s not that! It’s simply because he had a very bad cold, his nose was congested, so he had to breathe through his mouth. You will hear sometimes, in the videos, that he is sniffing quite strongly. And I didn’t film when he went toempty his nosein the sink, between each little “dalis” (step)! 🙂

He is completely hairless ! 🙂 A very soft skin (which I was able to caress in the second session)…
(He shaved his pubic area but – Deja – this is a common practice. For the second session, he has a bit of hair because I asked him to let it grow).

If anyone has any doubts about whether he was 18, I put a picture of his ID card at the beginning, but I blurred out a lot of the areas. For the boyspeace of mind, I never say which countries I work in (although it’s not very hard to find, if you search a bit). I know this photo doesn’t prove anything, except the fact that I had his ID card in my hands, Bet nesijaudink, things are done much more seriously: for him as for the other boys, I have several photos AND VIDEOS (much more difficult tofake”) of the ID, AND of a recent newspaper. Here I bought a newspaper from December (Lorenzo turned 18 in November) and of course I did close-ups of the newspaper date, kaip visada. I hesitated to publish this in the set, I preferred not to, in order to respect my rule of never giving information about the boyscities or countries of residence (indeed, the way this date appears on this newspaper leaves little doubt about the country).

You will see in the video how I manage (quite easily) to convince Lorenzo to show his dick. Because at the beginning, before the “darbas”, I had told him that there was no nudity, otherwise he would never have accepted. I’ve been doing this for a few years now, because it’s become really difficult to find boys, they are almost all very suspicious. So my “triukas” is that during the sessions I make the boys understand that if we see a bit of nudity they earn more (and I pay right away), if it’s totally naked they earn even more, if I touch they earn more, if they cum they earn more, Etc., but I only say thisat the right moment”, when they are “karšta” enough for it.
In Lorenzo’s case, he couldn’t earn the extras fortouching his cock” ir “jacking him off until he ejaculates”, but I gave him that extra money anyway, because of his impressive ejaculations. And I even gave him an extra bonus, because he deserved it (very beautiful, very nice cock, perfect ejaculations, very cooperative), but also to motivate him for a second time.
He left with more than twice as much money than he expected 🙂
Will you think it’s deserved? I think so 🙂

Viskas, that’s already a lot of information! The most important thing is the photos and videos.
Šį kartą, I won’t writeI hope you’ll like it”, bet “Esu tikras, kad jums tai patiks ! 🙂


Žiūrėkite kitas jo nuotraukas
o jo vaizdo klipai necenzūruojami!

(nemokama prieiga prie miniatiūrų narių srityje)


Necenzūriniai vaizdo klipai ir nuotraukos šio berniuko
skirtas YSB nariams įtraukti
nuogas seksas, masturbacija ir ejakuliacija 🙂
Ir taip yra beveik visiems kitiems berniukams Narių sritis,
kitaip (kai kuriais retais atvejais), tai aiškiai nurodyta rinkinių pavadinimuose,
kurį galite patikrinti visų rinkinių sąrašas internete prieš užsisakydami.


Dar ne narys ?

1/ Žr. vaizdo klipų ir nuotraukų sąrašas šiam berniukui!
(Galite spustelėti kito puslapio miniatiūras.)

2/ Pamatyti kurios vaizdo klipai ir nuotraukos šiuo metu yra prisijungę
visiems berniukams

3/ Prisijunk (t.y. Prenumeruoti) būti nariu!
(Iš karto pasieksite – išskyrus tuos atvejus, kai mokate Bitcoin –
visi šiuo metu internete esantys vaizdo klipai ir nuotraukos, didelio dydžio, ir su necenzūriniu seksu.)

4/ Prisijunkite prie savo narių zonos (atnaujinama vienu klipu kasdien)
kad galėtumėte mėgautis turiniu, kai norite!
(Niekada nesidalykite savo prieiga ir niekur neskelbkite vaizdo įrašų ar nuotraukų, tai svarbu.)

5/ Klausimai ar abejonės ?
–> Prašome žiūrėti PARAMA puslapį (kur galite atsiųsti mums el).
(Taip pat galite naudoti Svečių knyga siųsti žinutę, arba skaityti kitų vartotojų paliktus komentarus.)


Labai ačiū už prenumeratą
leidžia mums mokėti už daugiau naujų berniukų 🙂



25 rasti vaizdo įrašai

Kai kurie kiti nemokami YSB paveikslėlių puslapiai