Atess, nuostabus mielas Šiaurės Afrikos drovus ir liesas tiesus berniukas, turintis gerą penį

Atess is an “nekaltas” Arabian teen boy with a nice face and a delicious long cock that I could suck 🙂 He shot his hot load up to his neck !

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Žiūrėkite sąrašą jo vaizdo klipai Šiuo metu galimas

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REGISTRUOTIS kad pamatytum šias nuotraukas necenzūruotas,
ir žiūrėti dabar atitinkamus VAIZDO KLIPUS

REGISTRUOTIS kad pamatytum šias nuotraukas necenzūruotas,
ir žiūrėti dabar atitinkamus VAIZDO KLIPUS

REGISTRUOTIS kad pamatytum šias nuotraukas necenzūruotas,
ir žiūrėti dabar atitinkamus VAIZDO KLIPUS

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REGISTRUOTIS kad pamatytum šias nuotraukas necenzūruotas,
ir žiūrėti dabar atitinkamus VAIZDO KLIPUS


Atesas yra nuostabus mielas Šiaurės Afrikos drovus ir liesas tiesus berniukas, ir atrodo, kad jo mielo penio jausmą burnoje išliksiu amžinai !
Galėtume padaryti daug dalykų. Kaip sapnas. Ir jam tai taip pat labai patiko.

A very beautiful Arab boy with a delicious cock !
Žinoma, with a little more muscles, he would have been even more beautifulbut you can’t have allAnd he his so lovely and “grynas” that you will probably forgive this.
I played really a lot of time with his dick (here you see “tik” 52 minučių). A very good time worshiping him and his marvelous sand-color smooth clean body and his very palatable dick ! 😉
Pabaigoje, I noticed that he always carefully tried to hide his bottom, I found that funny and I insisted to make videos of it, but no way ! (he even turned a bit angry – Kaip “are you crazy or what ?!”). Tada, after some talks, and an offer of 20% more money, he finally accepted for ONE picture ! And I made 2, because the first one was not so good for me (and maybe you noticed that I’m not the kind of guy who will do only 1 pic of something !).
You might like to know that these “20%” are like the average salary for TWO WEEKS of work, then I guess that a one-week pay for a 2-second pic is rather fair
Maybe you also calculated that with the 2 sessions I made, he earned almost a half year of living (which helped him a lot for his studies).
You don’t understand why he was SO RELUCTANT to show his bottom ? It’s very simple : jiems, the bottom is like theirfemale side” (referring to women getting fucked from behind before marriage (to remain virgin), and of course to gay menwho are rare and look like women anyway). Therefore, in the mind of most Arab boys, showing (willingly) their “atgal” nuogas, means nothing else thanhere is my ass, you can see my hole, I show it to you, it’s for you, you can ass-fuck me !”. Bent jau, that’s what I finally understood after several years of knowledge of these genuine boys. And of course nudity is something happening only accidentally, thus, seing an ass, jiems, is immediately arousing (and the question of the female or male ownership of anoffered” asilas (t.y. showed) is something very secondary in such case).


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