ორი საყვარელი ბიჭი, რომლებიც მხიარულობენ თავიანთი დიდი დიქებით (ერთად ჟელე პუსი, სექსის თოჯინა, შემდეგ დაბნეულობა და დასრულება) [TCB 12]

2 handsome straight guys, “TCB” (ლათინო ბიჭი) და როდერი (შავი ბიჭი), სექსუალური გართობა: მათ fuck together a transparent fake vagina and a transparent sex doll, ისინი მასტურბირებენ ორმხრივად, და ისინი ეაკულაცია 🙂

Scroll down to read the description ამ ნაკრების (between groups of images)

Here are a few pictures from the setTCB 12 (ე.ი. “საყვარელი ბიჭი” და როდერი).
*Click here to see about the videos and photos for all theTCB 12” ნაწილები (უფასო)*
*Click here to see about the videos and photos for all the “TCB” კომპლექტი
and for Roder

This is one of the last sessions I did with these two boys.
So they were used to it, and sometimes they slept at my place, in this flat.
In my opinion this session is one of the best on the site (with two of the most handsome boys, who have big dicks and who have a good time, in a spontaneous and “რეალური” გზა, withoutshameor embarrassment, and you can see that they are straight by their visible interest in women’s clipsalthough it would have been better with more sperm produced at the end, but nothing is perfect :-)).

Continue to scroll down to read the description ამ ნაკრების (between groups of images)

* კლიპი 01 *
In the first clip, they wake up, have breakfast, do (sports) exercises and have fun.
Roder takes a shower (შიშველი, რა თქმა უნდა).
At the end they put on sexy underwear.
This clip is quite long because I wanted to share with you the atmosphere, ე.ი. as if you were living a bit of theordinary lifein that flat. ( When I watch this clip and the others, it brings back good memories).

Continue to scroll down to read the description ამ ნაკრების (between groups of images)

*Click here to see about the videos and photos for all theTCB 12” ნაწილები (უფასო)*
*Click here to see about the videos and photos for all the “TCB” კომპლექტი
and for Roder

* კლიპი 02 *
In clip 02, they dance a bit and then we start the “პატარა სამუშაო”: they lie down on the mattress in the back room, and I give them the video player with a clip of women.
They watch it and comment, and I film theirpackagestarting to grow (especially for Roder) in their underwear.
I touch theirpackagea little for fun and to show how it’s starting to harden, while they are busy watching the clip and commenting on it.
At the end I ask them to take off their underwear, “TCB” (“The Cutest Boy”) starts to stroke and masturbate a bit and his cock grows, while Roder’s cock starts to grow too without touching it.

Continue to scroll down to read the description ამ ნაკრების (between groups of images)

*Click here to see about the videos and photos for all theTCB 12” ნაწილები (უფასო)*
*Click here to see about the videos and photos for all the “TCB” კომპლექტი
and for Roder

* კლიპი 03 *
They continue to masturbate and their cocks get harder and bigger.
They are now at full size, and from time to time I grope them, while the boys watch another more exciting porn clip, commenting on it (and not paying attention to me), and I find it very hot!
მერე, standing up, Roder measures the length of his cock (19 სმ).
He puts his dick against the lower part of his belly, and it reaches his navel 🙂
He wedges his hard tail between his thighs, to make it rise like a spring 🙂
Then he plays with his big cock against his body, and does the helicopter.
ბოლოს და ბოლოს, I bringPamela”, the transparent inflatable doll (explaining that she is very nice and never says no), and Roder starts to push his cock into her mouth 🙂

Continue to scroll down to read the description ამ ნაკრების (between groups of images)

*Click here to see about the videos and photos for all theTCB 12” ნაწილები (უფასო)*
*Click here to see about the videos and photos for all the “TCB” კომპლექტი
and for Roder

* კლიპი 04 *
They put lubricant on their cocks and they fuck the transparent inflatable doll 🙂 Roder is very excited and “აქტიური” 🙂
(Throughout this session (all clips) they talk and laugh a lot, but it’s not disturbing)

Continue to scroll down to read the description ამ ნაკრების (between groups of images)

* კლიპი 05 *
They continue to wank. როდერი (იწვა) shows his cock straight up, it looks really big, it’s impressive! TCB is now at 18 cm 🙂
They continue to masturbate while commenting (very manly) on videos of women getting fucked.
Then they compare their cocks by standing face to face and sticking their cocks together 🙂
(I really like this kind of thing, which is like a teenage game :-)).
The boy who touches the other’s body with the tip of his cock is the one who has the biggest 🙂 TCB has difficulty staying erect while in this situation, even while continuing to watch women’s clips (especially since I give directions, which also distracts).
Roder often plays with his cock, simulating fucking (with both hands): this boy is really asex machine”.
Then I put their cocks in a transparent plastic sheet wrapped around them, asking them to fuck that.
I ask them to masturbate together in thissystembut it is too difficult for TCB because there is no real woman but – საპირისპიროდ – a big black cock stuck against him, so his excitement disappears quickly and Roder laughs at him (kindly).
In order to try to solve this problem, I ask them to stop putting their hands on their dicks, and to stop looking at them, and to only watch the porn video. I myself hold both their cocks in my hand, asking them to fuck this while thinking only of the women in the video and nothing else.
I masturbate both their cocks with my hand, and TCB’s cock starts to grow again. It is very exciting to masturbate these two big cocks in my hand and to see them grow and harden while theirownersare turned on by women 🙂
I rub TCB’s cock on the top (then the bottom) of Roder’s hard cock, it’s really hot! 🙂

Continue to scroll down to read the description ამ ნაკრების (between groups of images)

*Click here to see about the videos and photos for all theTCB 12” ნაწილები (უფასო)*
*Click here to see about the videos and photos for all the “TCB” კომპლექტი
and for Roder

* კლიპი 06 *
Roder starts to fuck a transparent gel vagina, it’s very hot! His cock is always hard.
Then both boys enter this accessory at the same time, which has two separate and parallel orifices and ducts (საშო და ანუსი).
But it’s too complicated because the “ანუსის” duct has no exit, and I’m worried that Roder will destroy this accessory with his huge cock, so I ask them both to fuck the same duct (“საშო”).
It’s quite “გიჟი” იმიტომ რომ, even though it’s very stretchy, this accessory is narrow to fit two big dicks in it,
but it’s very exciting 🙂
Roder fucks thissystem”, but all this makes TCB laugh a lot, which becomes less hard, so they get out of the accessory.
Roder jerks offwildly”.
I make them try again to fuck the sex toy together, in a more concentrated way (laughing less) and it goes better.
TCB now has a hard cock and he fucks thissystem”, with his cock stuck under Roder’s, still hard 🙂
The tip of TCB’s cock hits Roder’s balls (I duplicated the end of this part when editing the video, because I thought it didn’t last long enough, and I put it inslow motion”, ძალიან კარგია :-)!
Ბოლოს, they laugh when they see some tears in the accessory), and they say that theyr@p*dit 🙂

Continue to scroll down to read the description ამ ნაკრების (between groups of images)

*Click here to see about the videos and photos for all theTCB 12” ნაწილები (უფასო)*
*Click here to see about the videos and photos for all the “TCB” კომპლექტი
and for Roder

* კლიპი 07 *
In this short clip, TCB puts Roder’s dick in a penis pump, and after pumping only 2 ან 3 ჯერ, Roder’s dick already touches the top (ე.ი. 20 სმ) 🙂
And Roder laughs during almost all the clips 🙂
Then he continues to play with this pump.
Then Roder puts the pump on the dick of TCB, who pumps.
(There is a little safety hole that you have to plug with your finger for the suction to work).
This goes well and the dick of TCB hits the top as well 🙂

Continue to scroll down to read the description ამ ნაკრების (between groups of images)

*Click here to see about the videos and photos for all theTCB 12” ნაწილები (უფასო)*
*Click here to see about the videos and photos for all the “TCB” კომპლექტი
and for Roder

* კლიპი 08 *
The two boys masturbate lying on the mattress watching porn videos, I tell them that they will have to masturbate each other (I had already explained this to them at the beginning) and they ask for gloves (so as not to touch each other’s dicks directly).
They start to masturbate each other but it is difficult. They continue on their own, then they try again and it gets better.
Then I tell them to continue until they cum, but then they each take their own sex again, I tell them no, that they must continue to masturbate each other but they tell me all together that it’s impossible, that it will never work. So I have no choice but to accept.

Continue to scroll down to read the description ამ ნაკრების (between groups of images)

* კლიპი 09 *
In this ninth and last clip, they masturbate again, Roder is the first one to ejaculate (he never makes much cum), then he wants to go and wash but I ask him (excusing myself) to lie down while TCB finishes, then TCB ejaculates (usually he makes a lot of cum, but today not much, I think we had done another session shortly beforeor maybe he fucked a girl…).
Then they go for a shower, და შემდეგ, for more than half of the clip, there isordinary lifewith these boys, and then they both leave (TCB accompanies Roder to the bus to go back home to his city after this little stay where he came to earn money with me).
It was not the last time I worked with him (for example, later, we made the sessions where he fucks Jairo).
A few years later I saw that he had done some military style porn clips with someone else. I had given him the contact of a producer friend (with whom he made some videos), and then he found yet another producer (for these “სამხედრო” კლიპები). He’s still very handsome. But he started with me 🙂
(The name “როდერი” is a name I invented).


*Click here to see about the videos and photos
for all theTCB 12” ნაწილები


*Click here to see about the videos and photos
for all the sets of “TCB” and of Roder


ცენზურის გარეშე ვიდეო კლიპები და ფოტოები ამ ბიჭების
დაცულია YSB წევრებისთვის მოიცავს
შიშველი სექსი, მასტურბაცია
და ეაკულაცია (for both of them) 🙂

და ეს იგივეა თითქმის ყველა სხვა ბიჭისთვის წევრების არეალი,
წინააღმდეგ შემთხვევაში (ზოგიერთ იშვიათ შემთხვევებში), ეს ნათლად არის მითითებული კომპლექტების სახელწოდებებში,
რომელიც შეგიძლიათ შეამოწმოთ ონლაინ ყველა ნაკრების სია გამოწერამდე.


ჯერ არ არის წევრი ?

1/ იხილეთ ვიდეო კლიპებისა და ფოტოების სია for these 2 ბიჭები!
(შეგიძლიათ დააწკაპუნოთ შემდეგი გვერდის ესკიზებზე.)

2/ იხ რომელიც ვიდეო კლიპები და ფოტოები ამჟამად არიან ონლაინ
ყველა ბიჭისთვის

3/ შეუერთდი (ე.ი. გამოწერა) იყოს წევრი!
(თქვენ დაუყოვნებლივ შეხვალთ – გარდა იმ შემთხვევისა, თუ ბიტკოინით იხდით –
ყველა ვიდეო კლიპი და ფოტო ამჟამად ონლაინ რეჟიმში, დიდ ზომებში, და ცენზურის გარეშე სექსით.)

4/ წვდომა თქვენი წევრების ზონაში (ახლდება ერთი კლიპი ყოველდღე)
რათა ისიამოვნოთ შინაარსით, როცა გინდათ!
(გთხოვთ, არასოდეს გააზიაროთ თქვენი წვდომა და არ განათავსოთ ვიდეოები ან ფოტოები სადმე, ეს მნიშვნელოვანია.)

5/ კითხვები ან ეჭვები ?
–> გთხოვთ იხილოთ მხარდაჭერა გვერდი (სადაც შეგიძლიათ გამოგვიგზავნოთ ელ.წერილი).
(თქვენ ასევე შეგიძლიათ გამოიყენოთ სტუმრების წიგნი საჯარო შეტყობინების გასაგზავნად,
ან სხვა მომხმარებლების მიერ დატოვებული კომენტარების წასაკითხად.)


დიდი მადლობა თქვენი გამოწერისთვის
allowing us to pay more new boys 🙂

Უყურებს YSB უფასო ვიდეო კლიპები 🙂!

25 ნაპოვნია ვიდეოები

ზოგიერთი სხვა უფასო YSB სურათების გვერდი