Tomas, väga ilus sirge noorsportlane kõva riistaga, et imesin kuni ejakulatsioonini

Tomas is a väga nägus heterosexual young athlete. It was very obviously his “esimene kord”. In the second session (seatud “Tomas 2”), I could suck his hard cock! 🙂

Scroll down to read the descriptions of these sets (pildirühmade vahel)

Here are a few pictures from the parts 01 ja 02 (kohta 05 parts = 5 videoklipid) komplektist “Tomas” (first set made with this boy)
*Click here to see about the other parts of this boy (tasuta)*

Description of the first set
See poiss on kahtlemata ilus, ja isegi “ingellik” 🙂 Ja häbelik ja lahke!
Märkasin seda poissi tänaval jooke müümas, ta oli nii armas! Nii et loomulikult ostsin joogi (mida ma ei vajanud) ja ma küsisin temalt, kas ta võib jootraha vastu võtta. Ta ütles jah, Andsin talle helde jootraha, ja nii avastasin tema väga kena, lai naeratus 🙂
Given that he was working always at the same place at that time, I could do the same things, from time to time. Tegelikult, I approached him very very slowly, because he had all the characteristics of the young men who look very kind but who can suddenly change and rob you (või veel hullem) when the situation is finally appropriate for them.
Niisiis, after several months of very cautiousapproach” (including some invitations for some meals), I presented the proposal about “pilte”. I did not have many different boxers at that time, but I explained the idea ofpictures in swimsuits and boxers for money”. And he was interested. Because, guess what ? He was in the need of money, muidugi.
So we made 2 sets in a flat that I was renting at that time, and here is the first set. It is rathersimple”, but all is nice this gorgeous boy and his incredible smile 🙂
He has a rather average sized cock, but his body is wonderful (6 packs abs), and also you will like his shyness.
After some very cautious steps (given that I could not explain all too much openly and quickly), I finally managed to masturbate him until cum shots 🙂
This boy is really “värske” ja isegi “rare”: you will like this set!

*Click here to see about the other parts of this boy (tasuta)*


And here are a few pictures from the parts 01 ja 02 (kohta 08 parts = 8 videoklipid) komplektist “Tomas 2” (second set made with this boy)
*Click here to see about the other parts of this boy (tasuta)*

*Click here to see about the other parts of this boy (tasuta)*

Description of the second set
He contacted me back because he needed money.

This boy is really charming.
Esiteks, when I start to grope his cock through his underwear, he laughs.
(He already knows what the sessions are about as this is his second time).
He doesn’t have a very long cock but this boy’s great beauty, and his abs (and his kindness andfreshness”), can make usforgive” et, and his cock is quite thick and it grows fast, and it is quite hard.

In the 3rd clip, I make him put on underwear with atubethat tightens his penis 🙂 And of course, this excites his cock (that’s the goal) :-)The idea is also to give the impression that his cock is much too big to fit in these tubes (and it is true). So his cock is very stiff and hard. And I stroke it, it’s very good 🙂

When I caress his body when he’s lying down (klipp 4) you can see that he’s discovering something, see on “autentne” ja “päris”…
He has a way of looking at me that is really particular, intense, and that I find fascinating, as I take the time to look at the pictures.

In the 5th clip I make him put on a pair of boxers with a kind of penis sheath (in the shape of a tube) and I keep on kneading his cock, he doesn’t know very well how to react, apparently it’s going a bit fast for him.
I get closer and closer to him (my head is getting closer to his boxers) and he looks stressed, I gesture for him to close his eyes, which usually avoids feelings ofdiscomfortfor a straight boy when he sees that another man is very busy with his cock.
(In the description of the previous set I forgot to say that he has a baby, it’s true, I’ve seen the pictures. So young, it is not uncommon in some countries).
Ma mängin tema riistaga, it’s hard, he’s adorable and from time to time he looks at me and smiles slightly.
In such conditions, it’s really hard to resist and I’m dying to suck his cock 🙂
I caress his abs and chest a little, to relax him.
I ask him to close his eyes again and I don’t know if he suspects what I have in mind
Often it’s best not to ask a boy of this type (really straight) if he’s okay with me sucking him off because even if he wants to he can’t openly admit it. So if he answers there’s a risk of a “ei”, which is a shame as both want it.
So it’s better to do things without talking too much, but obviously without forcing it (and without taking risks for me), that’s why I have to do things very gently, observing the reactions.
With my mouth, I touch the tip of his cock a little (through the cloth),
He doesn’t say anything but his face (eyes closed) looks stressed.
I continue by putting the tip of his cock (still in cloth) minu suus. It’s not very pleasant, but it’s to see his reaction and to prepare him for what’s next (which now seems obvious).
When a boy has a hard cock, even if he is very very straight, it is very rare that he refuses to be sucked by another boy. Nagu öeldakse, “a (raske) cock has no eye🙂 !
The idea is also to give the impression that his cock is much too big to fit in these tubes (and it is true). So his cock is very stiff and hard. And I stroke it, it’s very good 🙂

When I caress his body when he’s lying down (klipp 4) you can see that he’s discovering something, see on “autentne” ja “päris”…
He has a way of looking at me that is really particular, intense, and that I find fascinating, as I take the time to look at the pictures.

In the 5th clip I make him put on a pair of boxers with a kind of penis sheath (in the shape of a tube) and I keep on kneading his cock, he doesn’t know very well how to react, apparently it’s going a bit fast for him.
I get closer and closer to him (my head is getting closer to his boxers) and he looks stressed, I gesture for him to close his eyes, which usually avoids feelings ofdiscomfortfor a straight boy when he sees that another man is very busy with his cock.
(In the description of the previous set I forgot to say that he has a kid, it’s true, I’ve seen the pictures.
So young, it is not uncommon in some countries).
Ma mängin tema riistaga, it’s hard, he’s adorable and from time to time he looks at me and smiles slightly.
In such conditions, it’s really hard to resist and I’m dying to suck his cock 🙂
I caress his abs and chest a little, to relax him.
I ask him to close his eyes again and I don’t know if he suspects what I have in mind
Often it’s best not to ask a boy of this type (really straight) if he’s okay with me sucking him off because even if he wants to he can’t openly admit it. So if he answers there’s a risk of a “ei”, which is a shame as both want it.
So it’s better to do things without talking too much, but obviously without forcing it (and without taking risks for me), that’s why I have to do things very gently, observing the reactions.
With my mouth, I touch the tip of his cock a little (through the cloth),
He doesn’t say anything but his face (eyes closed) looks stressed.
I continue by putting the tip of his cock (still in cloth) minu suus. It’s not very pleasant, but it’s to see his reaction and to prepare him for what’s next (which now seems obvious).
When a boy has a hard cock, even if he is very very straight, it is very rare that he refuses to be sucked by another boy. Nagu öeldakse, “a (raske) cock has no eye” :-)!
I continue sucking him more and more, he doesn’t say anything but he seems to enjoy it, and his cock is quite hard (which is the proof).
I ask him to stand up against the wall, so that we can see that his cock is quite stiff, and I continue to suck him a bit like this.
Since he’s standing, this necessarily implies acceptance on his part.

Siis (klipis 6) I grope his cock from behind (still with the boxers on), but it’s quite difficult as his cock is hard and can’t really go backwards.
(His thighs are very muscular because he plays football).
Then he lies back down on the bed normally and I give him a sort of very thin little pouch to replace the underwear and hide his penis and balls (it’s actually a sort of feminine foot stocking).
He tells me he likes it because it’s sexy and he’d like to keep it (take it home) so I tell him it’s a gift, and then I jokingly ask him if he’d like to walk home dressed only in it, and he laughingly says yes 🙂
I ask him again to close his eyes but this time he is very relaxed and smiling, and he probably knows what is going to happen 🙂
So I suck his cock again, and as the fabric is much thinner, it’s better.
I ask him to turn around (in order to see his butt, but I don’t tell him). His butt is too hairy for me, but I find the shape very nice (“bubble butt”).
I make him spread his legs to better take his cock (but it’s also to better see between the buttocks 🙂 ).
He was not very comfortable and he tended to tighten his buttocks so I did not insist too much
(Some time after this second session, I proposed him to do a third session where I would shave his buttocks (closely) and he didn’t seem to like the idea).

In the 7th clip, he lies back down (on his back) and I start sucking his cock through the very thin cloth again, quite voraciously 🙂
His cock grows and the fabric becomes rather transparent.
Then I start to remove this little cloth pocket a bit.
I ask him todo the statueagainst the wall (st. standing with his eyes closed, pretending he can’t oppose). I already know that he will accept to be sucked, but this stratagem allows me to make him more comfortable, by allowing him to pretend that he has no other choice, because it is the “rolli” requested.
As he isat my mercy”, I gently remove the little cloth pocket, and he is now completely naked.
And what was supposed to happen, happens: I fondle his (uncut) kukk, start sucking it, and it gets harder and stiffer (horizontal), and the foreskin goes down as I suck.
He has a big glans, slightly purple.
I suck it with more and more delight, and his cock goes up (above horizontal).
I rub his cock. It’s really good to be able to do all this with this handsome boy I met by chance a few months earlier, and about whom I was suspicious at first. Pealegi, I can see that it’s the first time.

In the eighth and final clip, he lies back on the bed, I suck his cock again, I masturbate him.
I tell him he can open his eyes, he looks at his cock being masturbated by meHe looks at mewith a slightly happy and slightly puzzled look on his face
He warns me with a smile that the cum will come out soon 🙂
He spurts 4 korda, and his cock is still very stiff 🙂
(I realize that the tip of his cock reaches his navel, but in fact this boy is small).
He continues to look at his cock and the cum that is still coming out a bit, with a thoughtful expression
I thank him, he smiles, ja “goodbye”, it’s over!
Really delicious

ma tegin 4 YSB sessions with him (st. 4 komplektid), plus a BV istungil.


Tsenseerimata videoklipid ja fotod sellest poisist
reserveeritud YSB liikmetele sisaldama
alasti seks, lööktöö, masturbeerimine
ja ejakulatsioon 🙂

Ja see kehtib peaaegu kõigi teiste poiste kohta Liikmete ala,
muidu (mõnel harvadel juhtudel), see on komplektide nimetustes selgelt välja toodud,
mida saate kontrollida kõigi komplektide loend veebis enne tellimist.


Pole veel liige ?

1/ Vaata videolõikude ja fotode loend selle poisi jaoks!
(Võite klõpsata selle järgmise lehe pisipilte.)

2/ Vaata mis videoklipid ja fotod on praegu võrgus
kõigile poistele

3/ Liitu (st. tellida) olla liige!
(Juurde pääsete kohe – välja arvatud juhul, kui maksate Bitcoiniga –
kõik praegu võrgus olevad videoklipid ja fotod, suures suuruses, ja tsenseerimata seksiga.)

4/ Juurdepääs oma liikmesalale (värskendatakse iga päev ühe klipiga)
et nautida sisu siis, kui soovite!
(Ärge kunagi jagage oma juurdepääsu ega postitage videoid või fotosid kuhugi, see on tähtis.)

5/ Küsimused või kahtlused ?
–> Palun vaadake TOETUS lehel (kuhu saate meile meili saata).
(Võite kasutada ka Külalisteraamat avaliku sõnumi saatmiseks,
või teiste kasutajate jäetud kommentaaride lugemiseks.)


Suur tänu tellimuse eest
mis võimaldab meil uutele poistele rohkem maksta 🙂


25 leitud videod

Mõned muud tasuta YSB pildilehed